
Well Known Member
First I want to state my total respect and admiration for all our service members and veterans, you guys rock!

I purchased an audio panel last spring advertised on this forum. The seller was local to me so I drove to his house/hangar to complete the purchase.

While looking over his RV8 under construction I noticed quite a lot of A-10 memorabilia on the wall of the hangar. I asked if he had flown an A-10, (I think it’s an awesome machine), he stated he had and flew one in the first Gulf War. While we were talking about the A-10 he told me he had written a book about his experiences and asked if I would like to purchase one. I was all over that, he signed the book and added a nice note.

I took the book home and put it on my desk with the idea I would read it when I finished installing the audio panel. Life got in the way and I didn’t get to it until recently on a trip to Florida, I couldn’t put it down.
If you ever wondered what it's like to fly an A-10 in combat, read Hogs in the Sand by Buck Wyndham, BuckWynd on the forums.

Thank you Buck for your service and for writing an awesome book.
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Thanks for the tip. An excerpt:

"I am awed by my destructive power. With a small squeeze of the gun trigger under my right index finger, I can rip the turret off a thirty-ton battle tank and throw it 200 feet across the desert, while the rest of the tank burns in an explosion of white-hot, burning phosphorescence. But the cold, morbid reality of it does not exist from where I sit and watch it happen. There's no dramatic chord. No deafening explosion. No screams suddenly stifled. The soundtrack of a pilot's war is mostly silent."​
Thanks for the tip. An excerpt:

"I am awed by my destructive power. With a small squeeze of the gun trigger under my right index finger, I can rip the turret off a thirty-ton battle tank and throw it 200 feet across the desert, while the rest of the tank burns in an explosion of white-hot, burning phosphorescence. But the cold, morbid reality of it does not exist from where I sit and watch it happen. There's no dramatic chord. No deafening explosion. No screams suddenly stifled. The soundtrack of a pilot's war is mostly silent."​

Wow - that is some great writing!

There is a thread here on recommended flying books IIRC, perhaps it should be added there.
Ordered too, I like personal recommendations, thanks. Always good to support an aviator, especially one who served there.

There are so many times I have thought I should have served my country instead of being a teacher. I have so much respect for all the ones that do and have done.

I will definitely be buying this book to read. I could not put down the book, "A Higher Call" after my father-in law gave it to me to read. He was a tank driver in the Vietnam War and saw some bad stuff. I have so much respect for him.

When I read your post about an A-10, I had flashbacks of one of best buddies I have ever had at the French Lick, IN airport. His name was Charlie Russell. He was a P-51 Mustang pilot in WWII. I absolutely idolized this man. We would sit down and talk for hours in my hangar. Time meant nothing because I wanted to absorb everything he told me.

Before he passed, I was honored by him because he gave me his 1944 P-51 Mustang Flight Manual. It was incredible to read. At his funeral, his wife, Annie, asked if I still had it. I said yes and I will get it back to you tomorrow.

I got it back to her asap because not long after that she went to a nursing home.

I teach US History and I go into depth when we cover WWII. I talk about Charlie and Annie all the time. I always tell them I think I was born in the wrong generation. Charlie, my friend, I miss you much, and I will see you again someday.

One of my former students I had years ago is now an A-10 pilot. I am so proud of this young man.

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has served this country and continue to protect this great country of ours. Sometimes, I get depressed because I feel our country is going in the wrong direction, but I have to remember God is in control. He has never let us down.


Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
French Lick, IN (KFRH)
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Order placed and thanks for the recommendation. Another great read is
Angles of Attack by Peter Hunt. A6 intruder pilot in desert storm.
After this thread I started the book yesterday on Audio and it has been very good so far.
Other than my RV, the A-10 in my favorite. (well maybe the Mustang first)
I couldn’t put it down.
If you ever wondered what it's like to fly an A-10 in combat, read Hogs in the Sand by Buck Wyndham, BuckWynd on the forums.

Thank you Buck for your service and for writing an awesome book.

Thanks, Skid! I’m really glad you enjoyed the book, and I’m always pleased at the responses I get from people who’ve read it. It’s very gratifying to hear from the flying community.

hogs in the sand

buck , got your book the other day got halfway through called widget said great read, he said just got it. widget met you at an rv8 thing at osh awhile ago.

Buck is too modest. Former T38 instructor at the end of his AF career. RV8 builder, former Bowers Fly Baby owner. Civilian jet warbird pilot and airline pilot.
Had a chance to read Buck’s book about a year ago. Then got to meet him at Oshkosh in 2021. He’s as good of a person as he is a writer!