Master Designs

Well Known Member
For non-glasses wearing users of a fresh air respirator system like the Hobbyair or the Citation, do you prefer....

Full Face Mask - OR - Half Mask w/ Pull Over Hood

I want the eyes protected, so I don't see using the half mask by itself. I'm trying to decide if the full face mask is preferred since it's less bulky and you can get your eyes/face closer to the part, or if the half mask with the pull-over hood is preferred since you get cooler/cleaner air around your head and neck that exits from the mask?
I have quite a bit of time on the Hobbyair 1 half mask. (I painted a 2/3 jn4 with it).

I do not recommend it. The one I used is older (10 years or so) but it squeals constantly when you aren't exhaling. Seriously. It's like having a coach's whistle attached to your face. The elastic bands stopped being elastic after a couple of years. It has a poor fit, especially if you have facial hair. The hose is heavy and constantly tries to pull the mask down and off. All the pressure goes on the nose since the elastic isn't.

Having fresh air is nice although an annoyance as well. The PVC garden hose supply is stiff and seems to catch on everything and tangles with the air line whenever possible. It's also dragging along the floor so it has the potential to stir up dust.

if you're painting in a homemade booth, the fresh air is much nicer than a regular filter mask. Just be sure it's far enough away from the booth exhaust and leaks that you aren't sucking back in fumes (there isn't a charcoal filter on it).

If you're painting/priming parts outdoors, I personally wouldn't bother with it.