One amazing aircraft!

This aircraft always amazes me whenever I fly it. Keep those completions coming. Looks like this was serial number 90084? That's perseverance.
1000 RV-9's

This aircraft always amazes me whenever I fly it. Keep those completions coming. Looks like this was serial number 90084? That's perseverance.

Ha...I have kit 90116 and still have about 300 hrs. before it will fly...someday... :)

RV-3A (restored and sold)
RV-9A 13B/FWF (waiting for the chance to finally finish it)
Mine was 90054 and took me 12 years to complete with cross country moves and changes of jobs. Have faith and press on. I have now been flying for almost 4 years. It is a great airplane. "Miss May" on Vans 2015 Calendar.
91449 here completed in 2011 (took ~5 years) clicked two thousand on the Hobbs several months ago. :)
Me too! I'm close enough to start thinking about scheduling the DAR inspection. :D:D

Check with your local FAA FSDO. Some of them like coming out to look at experimental, and will make time to do it. If they do, they don't charge!!!

They may or may not, but I was lucky and they did it. A very good experience.