
Well Known Member
I should pass the 1,000 hour of logged work time on my RV-8A QB this next week. I'm guessing I have between 150 to 200 hours more before it's ready for a DAR visit. If it takes me 150 hours more, I hope to have a completed airplane by Labor Day.

This 1,000 hour milestone has taken 46 calendar months to reach. There's been about 2 months each winter when it's just been too cold to do any work so I've about 38 buildable months to date.

Since last fall my project finally started looking like an airplane with some parts off rather than a pile of parts thinking about being an airplane.

For all those RV-8A QB builders out there - how much logged build time did you have at the time of your DAR inspection?

Al Thomas
wiring & fiberglass work
Congrats !

Wow thats a lot of hours. I hope you finish before labor day to. I'll be pulling for ya:)

...I've got just shy of 1200 on my slow build and I'm only half way through the fuse! I guess the many various mods are costing me a whole heap of time :( Ah well, its not as if I have the money right now for the rest of it anyway! Congrats and I hope you get in the air soon :)
Just passesd 5000 hrs

I passed 5000 hours on 5-4-2008. I continue to log all original build hours (not maintenance hours) to capture the total time spent building my plane to its current state of completion capturing all of the time spent on modifying it for more speed. I just checked my log book (Volume II) and the time stands at 5013.5 - the fun never stops.

Bob Axsom
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You are a better man than I! I stopped counting after the first flight.

That said, I was at 1303 hours when we fitted the wings out of a total 2,800 hours logged.

I went back and checked to see how long it took to do some of the mods I made. The bracket for the throttle quadrant alone added around 10 hours. In short, each change you make to the kit adds time.

Man, I miss building but I LOVE flying!