Robert Anglin

Well Known Member
Yes I will send DR a check as There are some new question I will be looking at over the next few mouths. I went to a seminar put on by Garmin mainly to look into the 2020 needs od the "ADS-B" rules. while there I was able to ask a lot of questions about Garmins hardwear and softwear that gos into their boxes. The Rep. that was putting on the talk said that "HITS" was not in the works for the G-500,600 or 1000. I just got a copy of the Dec. 2012 Kitplain and on page 3 there is an add with the G3X pictured in it. Itlooks like there is "HITS" in the softwear or this is not the picture that was to be used. Some of you guys are pluged into these electrons better than I so.
Is Garmin going to write "HITS" into it's graphics? Thanks your as alway R.E.A. III #80888
My G3X has Highways In The Sky. The G1000 also has it. Not sure about the others.

I have AFS and they have it too.

Although, I use the option that displays both HITS & FD, I guess I'm starting to show my age as I just can't seem to get rid of the FD :D
Also A/P

Thanks Pual, that may be why the Garmin Rep was not thinking the same thing.
I see you are now using the G3X. If I may, I see that True-Track has put out an A/P just for the Garmin line of PDF-boxes. I remimber that you fly IFR from time to time. One of the things that Garmin was showing us was the A/P couple and it being able to fly by the flight plan you put in a MFD. It would fly outbond- roughts- and capture inbound to int-fix then fly the approuch to min. Do you know if this is being done with the low end True-Track A/P or is it the hi-end wisz. box that True-Track puts out.
Found a pic on the Garmin site showing 'Pathways'

Their version of highway in the sky....and when you're flying a loaded approach, they do the turn at each waypoint.

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Thanks Pual, that may be why the Garmin Rep was not thinking the same thing.
I see you are now using the G3X. If I may, I see that True-Track has put out an A/P just for the Garmin line of PDF-boxes. I remimber that you fly IFR from time to time. One of the things that Garmin was showing us was the A/P couple and it being able to fly by the flight plan you put in a MFD. It would fly outbond- roughts- and capture inbound to int-fix then fly the approuch to min. Do you know if this is being done with the low end True-Track A/P or is it the hi-end wisz. box that True-Track puts out.

Yes, we fly with the G3X and GxPilot (from Tru Trak), and they play extremely well with each other. The GxPilot is pretty much a Digiflight II that has been customized to work better with the isn't their top-of-the-line Sorcerer (and I honestly can't imagine what the Sorcerer does that the GxPilot doesn't - it is that good). You do need to have an IFR Navigator (430W, 650, etc) to fly the full procedure turns, but if you do, you can load an approach, tell it to fly to the IAP, and then watch it do everything else as you simply reduce throttle and sip your coffee.... ;)
Thanks Pual, that may be why the Garmin Rep was not thinking the same thing.
I see you are now using the G3X. If I may, I see that True-Track has put out an A/P just for the Garmin line of PDF-boxes. I remimber that you fly IFR from time to time. One of the things that Garmin was showing us was the A/P couple and it being able to fly by the flight plan you put in a MFD. It would fly outbond- roughts- and capture inbound to int-fix then fly the approuch to min. Do you know if this is being done with the low end True-Track A/P or is it the hi-end wisz. box that True-Track puts out.

Like Paul's the TT GX Pilot. $2990 list if you buy a G3X system.

The combo of these two give similar features as a TT Sorcerer which list at $8000.....

Thanks guys this was about what I had thought would be the feed back on these, but it is good to hear your views. I think as to not sted on an more toes than would be pollight, let my ask this next one in the form of a ranking. As one that started out when the "DME-arce" was the rage I would like to hear how you guys wouk rank on a 1-10 some of the top glass boxes as to their use in both VFR and IFR flight. Dynon, a MGL, an AFS or Garmin. I know this is a cheeky question, what with the Reps. and Owner looking in on this, but objectivly it is a sound question. Thanks yours as always R.E.A. III #80888
That question will result in data that is flawed....that is a tough nut to crack without just sitting down and doing your own research into what you need and want vs what is available today and how what is available today is implemented.

Remember it is the total system that matters, not just a particular component of the system.

Do your homework to ensure that what you think the system you are buying does what you think it will. Don't just believe the marketing hype, dig into the manuals to be sure you understand how that wiz bang feature works. Lots of people find this out the hard way....

To ask others to give you their thought on a suject is a good base to do a study. Sorry to disagree with you respecfully so, Thanks.
The problem with your question is the data will be biased as it's human nature to give preference to the system one has purchased over the competition. This is important as very few have signifcant experience with multiple systems to really give you an objective opinion. IMO the best person to give one would be Stein of Steinair as he sells all the major systems. I would recommend giving him a call and discuss what you're looking for and your budget and he can weigh in with the pros and cons of each system.
This question has been asked and answered by hundreds of people hundreds of times here in the forums, and you can go back into the "EFIS" forum and read to your hearts content....but as has already been stated, what you will get is people people defending their choice - that is merely human nature. Very few folks have flown more than the one system, so they have no real basis for comparison.

Stein and I give a seminar at Oshkosh on EFIS selection, and we go out of our way to give no specific recommendations to the group -= because everyone needs to choose for themselves. You can't go "wrong" with any of the top companies these days....but you have to find a system that fulfills YOUR requirements and also makes sense to your particular brain wiring.

Since you're in Houston, if you get a chance, you can drop by our place sometime - we have three RV's, each with a different EFIS....GRT, G3X, and Dynon (legacy) that you can look at.

To ask others to give you their thought on a suject is a good base to do a study. Sorry to disagree with you respecfully so, Thanks.

There are thousands of post on here in the archives where many folks give their thoughts and opinions. You can read to your hearts content on the subject.
Thank paul. I think you get it. I did not know that there was a very small number that had looked at and used the top 4-6 EFIS boxes. These are the kinds of answers that are good to know. Oh and I did get an answer back from Garmin today The G-500 can show "HITS" but the "SVT" must be enable by softwear in the box. I will move on to the next question that will get me in hot water, but you guys know I use sope..
Thanks your as always R.E.A. III # 80888
P.S. we have moved up close to the airport that has the longest running airshow in the U.S., I have sent a note to D.R. to let him know, but TEXAS is always in our harts.