Desert Rat

Well Known Member
You can probably see this as RV related if you squint really hard. But at any rate, I hit a milestone today.

Exactly 30 years ago today, I took my initial CFI check ride with an examiner form the Kansas City FSDO.

I've had long gaps where I didn't instruct, an a couple where I didn't even fly at all, but even when life got in the way, I kept renewing that ticket, just because.

As of right now, I've given 1822.3 hours of dial instruction. I've seen a bit in that time, but by and large, the people I've encountered have been top notch. They've also been all over the personality spectrum.

I really believe there's no such thing as a "pilot type". One of my first students dropped out of college to buy a Mastercraft and start a waterski school on Lake of the Ozarks. But on the other hand a kid I signed off last year just got his flight slot in the Air Force.

Thanks Orville and Wilbur, it' been a great run so far:)