
Well Known Member
For us newbies, what is the history of VAF?

I've searched the archives and found nothing. Was this started by Van? By Doug? Someone else? When? Did this website come later or was there always a VAF website? What is a "wing" and how many are there? Are they individually incorporated? Franchised? Non-profits? What are VAF "Numbers"? Why would someone want one?

These questions are just eating away at me! :eek:

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it.
Vauge answers.

I can give you answers to some of you're questions. I'm sure Doug will give you the full scoop.

To my knowledge, This website was started circa 1997.

"wings" are just groups of Rvators in a geographical area. (I think)

You are assigned a "VAF number" by Doug after the first time you donate. (See the yellow box in the top left hand corner of the home page on this site) Once a month, Doug uses his PC to randomly select a VAF # and that person receives a prize. (Usually a VAF hat:cool:) I did not notice the "Donate" page for a long time and may have read about it in the forums before seeing it, now that I think about it. (It's small) Doug simply askes that if you use the site every day and enjoy it, send a 25 dollar donation in. (It goes in his kids college fund) Other site generated funds (advertisements) are his livelyhood. He recently quit his day job and does this site full time!!:eek:
I think this site is great and I admire and have great respect for Doug, for putting this site together, and for being able to generate a living from it. Thats why, even though I make the list of peope who should not donate, I do so anyway. In my opinion, the information I have gotten from this website about airplanes in general, not just constructing RV's is worth much more.

My .02
IMHO, Richard VanGrunsven started 'Van's Air Force' with the RV-1. There are plenty of 'wings' that have been around for a LONG time: I started my site a decade ago as a sort of general news service on RVs - think 'Drudge Report' for RVs. I called it 'The DREEVES REPORT' for a few weeks....but I don't think many people got the joke :)
My background is at if you're completely bored.
Man, it seems like 120 months...

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In the beginning there was no internet. Then one day Al Gore said "Let there be internet!" and there was internet. The rest is history.

Noah, you are now a member of the Hangar #5 Wing!

It ain't that flashy, but the chili is the BEST!


Good to see you the other weekend.

Stop by often!

:cool: CJ
As I recall, the original VAF was a series of Yahoogroups (I was a moderator on his 7/7A group and, in fact, was the most active approver/rejector at the time. Thank you very much. :D). Now I can't recall for sure but uthis was a splinter from the RV List at the time. The RV List is, ummmm, ummmmm, ummmmm, oh gosh, ummmmm. Well, let me just say Doug's Yahoogroups were a welcome respite from the signal to noise ratio at the time.

At the same time, Doug had set up a Web site for building information and such, I THINK as he was building Flash, although I don't think it was ever a builder's site per se, was it Doug?

The key to VAF was getting the software, I think, for the community groups and then marrying the Web site and the community in one spot. It was a brilliant move, especially since the new format allowed for almost 100% signal. Even on the Yahoogroup we had the occasional flame war.

But what made it different from the RV List is that Doug believed (and appropriately so) in moderation to keep things tightly focused on RVs and I believe this is singularly responsible for the value of VAF, as the "community" pretty much can stay away from those issues (usually unrelated to RV building) that will split it in half, or thirds, or quarters and accomplish nothing.

I gather the reference to the various wings was a question about whether the wings are a subset of VAF and, no, they're not. In fact, the home wing of Van's Air Force was a group of builders up in Oregon/Washington. Eventually, they merged with EAA Chapter 105 but still refer to themselves as the "Home Wing."

The "wing" I'm most familiar with is the Minnesota Wing, and now that I think of it, I'm not really sure how it stated, although as long as I can remember, Doug Weiler has been the head of it. He spent, I think, 12 years building his RV-4 (incidentally, he's taking on a new project which he details in this quarter's newsletter).

Anyway, it's quite a success story.

The one element of it that is still missing, imho, is Van's tech support. If you pay attention to the occasional shots against "the Internet" (as if it's a "thing"), you can tell they got burned in the past... I think on the RV List. But, you know, that was a long time ago and I wish they'd have a tech support section here. Bruce Reynolds, I think, occasionally posts here. And I presume it would take staff time but to me that's the final link in the puzzle.

I also think a weekly podcast would be excellent. I'll have to talk to Doug about that one of these days.

Oh, and then the VAF Television Network.
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I also think a weekly podcast would be excellent. I'll have to talk to Doug about that one of these days.

Oh, and then the VAF Television Network.

Great idea Bob - I think you're going to have to take the lead on it though, becasue all the rest of us have faces which are perfect for radio.....ONLY....:p

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Give Doug the support you can. Some send in much more than $25 per year. This is a great way to get to know other RV people. Get Info on the airplanes and when and where to fly them.
The VAF # will get you on the list to win something donated by an advertiser every month..... now when will i get that 496??/ Bose ...Softcom...