
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK Texans - it's been a long time since we had a meeting of the North and South at Hilltop Lakes - Wx forecasts for Sunday morning are good - anyone want to do Breakfast?

Walk to the restaurant from the parking area at 0930 sound OK?

OK Texans - it's been a long time since we had a meeting of the North and South at Hilltop Lakes - Wx forecasts for Sunday morning are good - anyone want to do Breakfast?

Walk to the restaurant from the parking area at 0930 sound OK?

Great idea! However ... I'm still down for mx - waiting for my Rotax gearbox to get put back on from its recall overhaul. Yes, I know, I need to get an RV so I can do all my own mx :eek:



Would love to but my wife is saying no to a $500.00 breakfast.:rolleyes: Enjoy!
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Hilltop Lakes

Sounds good to me! Anybody been there lately? The last time we went the stickers were so bad in the grass that our tires were full of them. Rich had a brand new pair of Reeboks and they even punctured the air cushion soles! :eek:
I bet we make it.

I need to be back in Houston for an EAA hangar party @ Clover (noon - 4pm). I'll find a way to fit that into the schedule too.

I bet we make it.

I need to be back in Houston for an EAA hangar party @ Clover (noon - 4pm). I'll find a way to fit that into the schedule too.


I know the party of which you speak.....I might drop in if I get tired of moving hangar stuff to my new place!

I think the plan is to gather in Arne Aamodt?s Hanger.

If anyone else wants to attend the EAA Chapt 12 gathering, please stop by:

After entering the airport main gate, Airfield Lane, drive slowly on the road/taxiway to the last hanger on the left. Park on the taxiway past the hanger.

Thanks Paul, But I am headed to Marble,CO for a week of hiking...maby next time. Looks like a good weekend.
Unfortunately, we didn't make it.

We had the plane ready to fly at 8:15AM, but then discovered a few issues that caused us to transfer airplanes. By the time we got the paper work done, gear moved over, and pre-flight/fuel completed it was 9:15AM. There was no way we'd make Hilltop Lakes by 9:30. :)

So we elected to go to Breham instead. We hung out there for lunch and crossed paths with a flight of 4 RV's and a Bellanica Viking from Ft. Worth.

Sorry we didn't make it up there.

It really was a gorgeous morning around Texas! Dr. Don and I were the only ones at Hilltop - unfortunately, they weren't doing the breakfast buffet, so we had to order of the menu, but it was still nice to chat. No significant stickers to mention in the grass - just the usual sand burrs.

Heard a bunch of folks on the frequency on their way to Brenham, so at least folks got out somewhere! Oh, and Mike "Kahuna" Stewart's plane was sitting there at Hilltop, all by itself. No sign of the Big Kahuna himself.....

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