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Special Delivery

Well Known Member
EAA AirVenture-2012
Rod Hightower, President of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), purchased a Van's Aircraft RV-12 kit for his wife and four children to build. At an intimate ceremony during Tuesday's show, Van, the company staff, and students from TeenFlight presented the Hightower's RV-12 tail kit to Rod's wife and four children. The excitement level was off the scale and in near unison, Rod's children said; "If all goes as planned, we'll be flying the RV-12 into AirVenture-2013". (Left- Rod's family with Van)

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Ernie, I first thought this might make a nice Eagle's Nest Project, but on second glance, it may to too many people!


I recognize humanize the man damage control when I see it - and it is desperately needed. Good luck and I hope it works out well for all concerned.

Bob Axsom
I recognize humanize the man damage control when I see it - and it is desperately needed. Good luck and I hope it works out well for all concerned.

Bob Axsom

Oh, Bob, you cynical, crusty, old codger! :D

Personally, I've never met Rod Hightower or his family. Perhaps this IS just a damage control ploy. However, given the sentiments that have been shared here on VAF about his abilities (or lack thereof) to run the EAA appropriately, I have serious doubts that he'll be logging on anytime soon and asking for advice on how to build an RV, which is unfortunate. EVERYONE eager to build an RV should be welcomed here with open arms, IMO.

I'm as cynical and crusty as Bob. However, if Rod bought an RV as a family project, then I'm all for encouraging him as a fellow RV builder. I can keep his two projects -- RV building and running the EAA -- separate, and would hope that all here will try to do the same.
Oh, Bob, you cynical, crusty, old codger! :D

Personally, I've never met Rod Hightower or his family. Perhaps this IS just a damage control ploy. However, given the sentiments that have been shared here on VAF about his abilities (or lack thereof) to run the EAA appropriately, I have serious doubts that he'll be logging on anytime soon and asking for advice on how to build an RV, which is unfortunate. EVERYONE eager to build an RV should be welcomed here with open arms, IMO.

I'm as cynical and crusty as Bob. However, if Rod bought an RV as a family project, then I'm all for encouraging him as a fellow RV builder. I can keep his two projects -- RV building and running the EAA -- separate, and would hope that all here will try to do the same.

On second thought, I think you are right Don. I agree!
I think you guys need to lighten up a bit.
Rod did not even attend the presentation (take a look at the photos).
This is intended as a family project and then be used for his kids to klearn to fly in.
His son is a student pilot (has soloed Rod's Stearman). I gave him an RV-12 demo flight, and he was excited enough afterwards to head off towards all of the locations at the show that would help him begin learning about the construction process (the RV-12 build demo at Cleavland tools, the kids build project going on at Kid Venture, etc.)
He has strong ambitions for his future as a pilot and he did a great job flying the RV-12.

Please consider this...
Not every good thing in this world is based on someones personal agenda!
I suppose this is one of those situations you just needed to be there...

While I have no doubt Rod was responsible for selecting the RV-12 kit for his family to build, I also have no doubt that his decision was based solely on the merits of the aircraft, the long and successful history Van's Aircraft, and the completeness of the kit. Which kit would YOU choose for your family to build?

The message from his wife and children was clear - "this is OUR project". Take another look at the photos - the kids Van is talking to in the TeenFlight RV-12 are Rod's, and you don't have to look very close to see the excitement in their eyes and heart. Personal favorite comment from one of his kids - "It's not going to be easy keeping Dad's hands off our airplane".

No, I don't expect Rod will be soliciting RV-12 build advice from VAF - but please extend a warm VAF welcome when one of his children asks a fuel tank or other such question.

Yep... you just needed to be there!

[Ed - Neither Rod or Van intended this to be a public event - by design, this was a quiet presentation held behind Van's tent.
I offer my sincerest apology to Rod, Van, the Hightower family, and all VAF members for making a public announcement of what was clearly intended to be a quiet and private event.
Goodness and excitement for the kids got the better of my judgement.]
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I personally would like to see Rod assume a stealthy identity on these forums if he feels a need to ask RV-12 questions of this group and not reveal himself to us until after the 12 flies. Whether he does that or not, he probably will visit this RV-12 forum to "fill in the blanks" as the kit completion progresses.

Good grief, guys. There's probably a dozen other kits he could have picked, and he chose an RV. Good for him! We should be glad, whether or not we like the decisions he makes in his job.
I'm beginning to feel like even more of an outcast in the expanding Van's Aircraft community.

I don't waste a minute's sleep thinking about Rod Hightower or the EAA. If the guy wants to build, let the guy build . If you don't like his organization, then don't join his organization. But for crying out loud, sing a different song, willya?

I'm beginning to feel like even more of an outcast in the expanding Van's Aircraft community.

I don't waste a minute's sleep thinking about Rod Hightower or the EAA. If the guy wants to build, let the guy build . If you don't like his organization, then don't join his organization. But for crying out loud, sing a different song, willya?

I'm with you on this one, Bob. The carping has gotten quite stale. I never thought I would see the day when VAFers would want to shoot down someone (and his kids!) who wanted to build one of our planes. Sad.

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