
Well Known Member
(2nd) Highest time RV in the world - System32 ignition pirep

It's always good to hear directly from customers when it comes to product reviews. Here is a nice letter from Paul "Rosie" Rosales about his EFII System32 ignition after 241 hours of flying.

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Great report

That?s a really great report Robert!! Hopefully they?ll be more and more System 32?s coming on line in the very near future. Congratulations on a top notch setup.
Rosie at Osh

Here is Rosie at Osh 2018 right after the 27 ship RV formation taxied out to fly.
Rosie was left in the field by himself without a running engine.
A week later, System32 was on the plane and the rest is history.

Glad to see products proving to be working great in the long term.

I do know of at least one other RV that has more total hours though.
Why plaster this site with your gripes on every EFII thread you can find? You made your feelings known. Robert has done his best to address them. Seems he went above and beyond by supplying you with a legacy system in the interim.

I for one am extremely pleased with my EFII system. I took delivery of the legacy system instead of waiting. Robert was extremely responsive in helping me set it up.

Great product, great support.