
Well Known Member
Noting the SB for the -10's after a crack showed up at 500 hrs.....

I was just wondering.

How are the -9's holding up over time?

Any "high time" guys out there with weird stuff happening?

My fuse is about 2/3's done and sometimes I worry about these things....

building -9A
Going Strong


I have over 1000 hours on our 9A and it is holding up well. Tires, brakes, gear leg fairings, an alternator, carb heat door hinge, spark plugs, and other normal wear and tear stuff.

I will definitely give more scrutiny to the bulkheads in the aft fuselage area during the next annual.
high time -9's


Thanks for the reply.

I knew somebody out there had to have a 1000 hr -9.

Glad to hear its doing well.

Now I feel better and I can go back to blissfully hammering rivets!
