
Well Known Member
We have started a non-profit organization here in Tucson, Az for the purpose of working with high school students and building a Vans RV12.

Our organization is Southern Arizona Teen Aviation


We began building our first airplane in March of this year. The Empennage should be complete by the time school lets out for the Summer

Kevin Behrendt with Teen Flight was a huge help in getting us started.

I know there are other programs out there. A few of them have shown up at Oshkosh with airplanes.

Are there others? Are there enough that would warrant forming an association for sharing build and fund raising ideas and encouraging others to work with young people?

It is a big step to start a group like this. I can't help but think that more people would consider this if they had a model to follow and some advisors to consult with.

While I am in no position to start such an organization at the moment. I'd be very interested in starting one in the future. I dearly wish I could have done this in high school, and I think it is a wonderful experience for those wanting to get hands on experience building something real.

I'd love to hear how others have done it.

I'm a mentor in the Tango Flight high school program at Georgetown, TX.

We are almost finished with our first RV12 and hope to fly it by the end of May.

Tango Flight is engaged with several organizations to help spread program to other high schools.

For more info, check out the following link or contact me:
We are trying to set something up in SoCal at Ramona High School where my wife teaches the Engineering classes (including Aerospace Eng). Just need more time and $$$! :D
Hi Bruce,
Do you think your local EAA chapter would be willing to sponsor some of the expense?
Hi Bruce,
Do you think your local EAA chapter would be willing to sponsor some of the expense?

I haven't had the time to even get in contact with the local EAA chapters. I'm sure they would be helpful. Especially with providing some mentors.
There is an association that's been started called YAPA (Youth Aviation Programs Association), which is currently getting spun up. I know they'd appreciate contribution and involvement of everyone!

Here is a link to the latest email newsletter - you can sign up to get future emails and reach the people working on the YAPA program via the info at the end of the email.


In addition, some of the people involve din the Portland, Oregon TeenFlight program are working on a sort of get-started manual for new programs. It's in its infancy but eventually should become a good resource for starting a new build program. The more people contribute, the better it will be!

Many great programs around, which as you have already discovered are quite happy to collaborate and help get started.