Active Member
Hi Everybody,

My next door neighbor at KPTV is the owner of the Q-8 (RV) "High Roller" we met up today and took some pictures. I made a video slide show for him. I am trying to learn Photoshop Elements and Premiere. This is my first try at this. I thought you guys would enjoy. . . Its always good to see more RV stuff on You Tube. The video looks a lot better on a 55" with Surround, but you get the idea.

I fly for a living, and I have to tell you, this was some of the most fun I have had in an airplane in a LONG time. . . great day. . . Hope you had an RV day too. . .

Yeah right, an RV day. I'm sitting here in STL on back to back 0800 RAPs--after a 3 day over T-giving--READING about RVs...:mad:

Back to building come Wednesday when I get back to Dallas.

Didn't know you were considering an -8!?!? Cool!

Sorry to hear that dude. . .

Yea I know. . . I have 51 and some change, an all-nighter to sleep and then work on Thanksgiving, plus 4 RAPS, got off my 1500 to 0459 RAP then went RVing. . . lets leave that for another board. . . eh? :rolleyes:

Oh, I am considering a lot of things. . . If I get a DFW layover, love to see your project. . .
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I gave up that other board...couldn't take it anymore. Who wants to think about work as recreation???

Nice video on YouTube by the way. Is that on your NEW Mac? You were thinking about one if I recall. I'm typing on my 3 week old MacBook right now (2.2 GHz, 2GB, Black). Love it.

Give me a call on a DFW layover. The matched-hole fuse gets started after New Year, wings are just about done.

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No MAC for me for awhile. . .

Not sure about the music I chose. "Loves Theme" always reminded me of watching Golf on TV as a kid. It always seemed to be the theme for Sunday Golf Coverage. My brother just emailed me a You Tube Video of Barry White, not sure I like that song anymore. . . I need to get some better pictures, but its a start.

No MAC till next year, depending on bidness, if ya know what I mean. My wife wanted a new Camera for Christmas, I am having fun with it too. That should do it for this year. I soooped up the PC a bit too. I should be good for a couple of years.

I hear ya on that other board. . .