
Well Known Member
On Sunday I took a friend up for a first flight in a small plane. The day was one of those perfect go any direction days. We say that living next to the rocks as there is many days you cannot go west. We climb out west bound for 10,500 on a perfectly smooth flight over the Rockies. The Elk Valley was fogged in but other than that, perfect weather. He liked the 30min flight much better than the 4 hour drive. To say the least, he was impressed with what our small aircraft can do. Every flight makes me smile and this flight might have made me smile a bit more.

The flight back at 11,500 was just as smooth and we tucked the plane back in the hanger with another great memory embedded. Even small trips are worth taking.

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Beautiful country you have there Troy. Flew past Fairmont mid June on my way from Russia. Incredible scenery. That valley full of clouds is surreal.
An engine failure over that valley would not be fun! Gorgeous scenery. I've driven through it and I will fly over it when I finish my -4.