
Well Known Member
Am ?babysitting? a friends 4 for two months
while he works away from home. Plane has a James holy cowl with plenum. All baffling integrity is good. Has cooler behind #4. Oil temp hits 210-215 during climb....then settles at prox 200 f.
What is possible cause ? MB
So, what seems to be the problem? These temps sound excellent to me.

You don't want your oil temps to go beyond 245F, and ideally have them in the 185 - 210F range in cruise flight. Any cooler and you'll have moisture collecting in the oil, the oil being too thick and therefore less lubrication.

I'd say just fly the plane as it is!
No issue

Pretty normal readings..mine hovers in that range during hot summer months in the Carolinas. I have a hard time getting to 200 in cooler months, and usually hangs around 180-190. I don't like it any cooler than that.