
Active Member
This is a little long and I apologize at the start but I'm looking for a bit of advice on a problem I am having. Here are some symptoms and observations

The last two times I have started my RV6A o-320-D2E (carbureted) the fuel pressure at start-up was as high as 10 lb. This has only happened during the last two start-ups. Normaly it's 4 - 6lb with the electric on and 3 - 5 with the engine driven pump only.

By the time the run up was complete it had dropped to 6lb. The vans gauge redlines at 9lb.

In the past I would see the fuel pressure drop to 2 - 3 lb in a long climb. Turning on the electric pump would take it up to 5ish. I've never experience a power loss before.

Last annual was in Nov and I have had no issues.

Last time the carburetor was worked on was when the engine was zero timed. Approx. 10 years ago. All the ADs have been met.

Twice, over the last two years, while landing on fairly rough grass strips the engine has quit on the run out. After comeing to a stop on the runway its started up with just a little bit of prime.

Last weekend I was climbing out over the mountains at about 6000' when the engine coughed and my heart stopped (I?m sure you know what I mean). I glanced at the fuel pressure while turning on the carb heat and electric fuel pump. It looks to me as if it were at about 2 or 3 lb.

On my way back to the airport I left the fuel selection on the tank it was on, turned off the elect fuel pump and it ran fine. I also switched tanks, just in case and it ran fine all the way home.

My thoughts

Other than whats mentionedabove the engine runs incredibly smooth. Lots of power.

High pressure indicates a blockage. Low pressure would indicate a fuel pump going. I have both. I think. I've noticed that some of the posts regarding fuel pressure tend to discard the Vans pressure gage readings.

Your thoughts?

Thanks in advance