
Active Member
I have a hot running 0360 in a 9A. Out of 8 RVs I have had this is only the second one I can't seem to cool. I can see up to 430s at full power. #3 is the cool one by 60 to 70degrees and EGT cooler by 100 to 140 . I have checked timing,compression,plugs,swapped sensor,checked for intake leaks. Out of ideas. Installed AntiSplat cowl flap 2each. Looks like it lowered CHTs by about 40degrees. Still seems warm to me. It is a Titan 0360 with low compression pistons. Any ideas??? Bob [email protected]
I know you said you checked the timing but I'm curious as to what ignition you have.

Are all four cylinders running hot or just one or two?

Have you checked the carb to make sure you are getting the fuel flow you think you are?

Can you save your engine data with your engine monitoring and put it in graph or upload it on savvyanalysis. It would be much easier to try to help with the graph available.
Using 1 slick and a light speed. I don't believe I can down load Eng data. Have a TruTrak EFIS with monitor. #2 seems to be the hot, 1 &4 next.
Do you have the air dam in front of #2? If so, try removing it.

Check for intake leaks also.

I don't know if there is a way to adjust the timing on the Lightspeed, but what is it on the mag? If the mag is set right, try turning off the lightspeed during a climb and see how that effects the CHT's.

Try switching probes between 2 and 4 keeping the same wires connected as hey currently are. See if #4 on the screen reads hotter in this case or #2. If #4, then the probes are reading correctly. If #2, then the probe from #2 is reading high.

How does it behave in cruise and when you lean
Is it from the beginning of the climb or begin suddeny during the climb.
Is it the first cylinder to peak or they all peak at the same time.
How many hours on the engine.
do you know about the trick of taping off the leading edge of the seam in the cowl halfs. tape from the inside to the same on the outside. this lowered my temps by 8 degrees.