
Well Known Member
Flying into Hicks, especially on weekends is getting dangerous. I know several RV groups come to dine at the Beacon Cafe so this is your ?heads up!? The general public is out of control. They challenge aircraft on the main taxiway, park wherever they want, even drive down the runway. While you?re dining their kids may even do a dance on your wing. Restaurant management couldn?t care less. Consulted with FAA with no favorable results. Hicks is a private - public use airport. FAA says they can only protect the airspace, they can?t help when you are parked on private property.
Be careful

Thanks Mike. I was there yesterday and though the Friday crowd is light, there was plenty of auto traffic on the taxiway -- and they don't always seem aware of the rules of the road regarding aircraft right-of-way. Do be careful if you are going there.

The Beacon is a great breakfast/lunch stop, but the parking pavement is not in the best condition (I'm sure all the auto traffic doesn't help) and don't assume the onlookers know anything about aviation and aircraft operating limitations or the potential dangers of propellers.

Suggestion for Hicks management: You need to find a way to separate the drive-ins from the fly-ins if for no other reason than the liability exposure for the airport. Perhaps you could a build a wall -- and get Mexico to pay for it :D

Mike, you have probably been at Hicks longer than me. I don't live there so that makes a difference too. I've been at Hicks about 7 years as a renter and now a hanger owner. I fly every other weekend and make some mid-week treks for business so I'm there a fair amount.

I've not had any close calls but once in a while someone drives on the grass between the runway and the first taxiway. Other than that I've not had problems. In fact, I am glad the cafe is rejuvenated and in good hands. I think it is first of all a good thing for Hicks since it makes it come alive. I land at a lot of airports as I am sure you do, where my plane is the only thing moving. No little kids looking at the planes. No Mom or Dad bringing a kid over and asking if they can look at my plane. In other words, a dead or dying airport.

I go to the Beacon at least once a month to support them and because the food is great, even if slightly expensive. I like that it is privately owned and one of the owners is always there. I like it too when their kids were all there busing tables and taking orders. It's a great way to raise them. In their defense they've spent the money to have people outside helping park automobiles and trucks. Apparently they care at least a little.

There are negatives but overall I love Hicks and love the Beacon and weekends at the airport. Perhaps there is a way to reduce the negatives and keep the positives? An alternative auto traffic pattern? Moving the restaurant to the South end? I think that would take some of the charm out of it but as a property owner at Hicks I'm willing to consider it.

BTW a bigger concern to me is the number of delivery vehicles and resident vehicles that speed down the taxiways and don't stop at intersections. That's where I've had my close calls.


You must pick the right times to fly on weekends, after 2pm maybe, when the restaurant is closed and the cars have all left. I hope you can come to the next board meeting at Pro Aircraft on June 14th, 7pm. I’m going to nominate you to be the next airport manager. No pay involved, just constant calls and emails from property owners complaining about the Beacon Cafe patrons. There are also frequent calls from Tracon, the FSDO, and even TSA. I think if you keep those rose colored glasses on, you will handle it fine. BTW, did I mention that my warning was at the request of the FAA, since they can’t help HAPA with ground based problems on a private airport, even the cars driving on our runway is not considered a federal offense since we can’t get federal funds. Also, the family does not OWN the cafe. They are renters! Who would fund the cafe moving to the south. Not HAPA, stay safe and keep your head on a swivel while on the taxiway! It’s safer in the air!
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Mike, no rose colored glasses involved, I was just relating my experiences. And I am there in the mornings more than the afternoon, often to beat the heat.

While I would not accept a nomination due to personal reasons having nothing to do with Hicks, I will try to attend the meeting and help work toward solving the problems we can.

I greatly appreciate your work to make Hicks a great airport.