
I'm New Here
I am new to VAF and wanted to say hi! I am hoping to order and start building an RV-8 in the next few months. If there is anyone also building or thinking about building an RV in Northeast Pennsylvania please let me know, I would love to talk about or even look at your project. I have owned a few airplanes but this will be my first RV and first build.

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Welcome to VAF!

aboard the good ship VAF.

You will find a wealth of information here as you build. Be sure to learn the search function. Almost any question you can think of will be archived on the site. Building will be a journey like no other. Welcome again and have fun!
I'm near Binghamton NY just over the PA boarder....have an 8 just about finished and happy to have you stop by the shop for a chat. Interior is done so you'e welcome to try it on for size. :)
Sure you can!

There are a lot of builders and flying RV's up and down the east coast, for Maine where we just did a fly-in to the tip of Florida. The only thing you have to do is cross that threshold and get started. It is a long hall but a rewording one in many ways including the people along the way you meet to support your task. My two cents, don't get in a hurry but get going and stay going.
Hope this helps, Yours as always, R.E.A. III #80888
Sky Manor has 6

I just finished & launched my -8 from SkyManor Airport ( N40) in Pittstown, NJ. We have 6 RV-8s flying, and 4 out of 6 are members of EAA Chapter 643 which meets on the 3rd Monday of the month ( except December). If we're close enough to you, consider a visit.