
Active Member
I'd like to introduce myself and step up and order a cold one. :D

My name is Jeff, and I'm addicted to RVs.

My first RV flight was with Larry Pardue in his RV-6 at the EAA LOE fly-in in Moriarty a couple of years ago... thanks Larry! My father-in-law also owns a flying RV-6A but he's on the other side of the country right now. Guess its time for me to join the ranks.

I'm "one of those guys" with the preview plans and a dream for an RV-7A. My day job is designing RF/Microwave circuitry (mostly radar hardware at the moment) for a large engineering company in New Mexico. I consider that my area of expertise, so if I butt into your thread and add my $0.02 worth don't be offended. Also, I won't be offended if you tell me to bug off since I haven't built a flying plane yet.

I'll be turning 29 at the end of the month so by many standards, I'm a youngin that has much to learn about building a plane. I'm following the Doug Reeves model of save, build, save, build so I know this will be a long process. I've had my pilot's license for two years, so now its time for my BFR!

I've also spent some time providing tech support & moderation for the main forums for phpBB (yeah, that other forum program). From what I've seen here while lurking... DR & friends have done a great job.

Feel free to move my post where it belongs.

-Jeff- ;)
Well, looks like VAF gained two new Jeff's today.. :)

I am also a newb to Van's Air Force..

A little about me..

I'm 28 and own an RV-6 with my pops.. We both wish we had built the plane, but with both of our schedules, we'd never finish one.. So we bought our 314L a few years ago and have slowly been making her "ours."

She is currently in for annual and we are planning on having some new wheel pants/fairings and a Silver Bullet installed..

I am currently reworking the interior - thinkin' about a new panel and some wig-wags.. :)

It's a pretty simple bird, standard 6 pack with a 396 mounted on the panel, O-320 for the power..

Our bird:


Jeff, that's a real beauty! I'm sure you know that you made the right move (buying) with your schedules being what they are. Like you said, you've been flying it now for years. Welcome aboard!
Thanks Capt. Ron..

Yeh, she's a nice lookin' airplane..

Now if we can just get the inside to look as nice as the outside.. :D
welcome aboard guys

if/when you build ( and for ongoing issues)you will find this place and people a huge resource. as long as people like groucho and doug keep making videos i'll keep building. ;) what a motivator. oh yeah my brother lives in Albuquerque, he's building a 7 also.
good luck to the both of you.
Welcome guys......

You're very welcome here even if you haven't built yet. Buying an RV is a really good way to get flying fast. Checking here and Barnstormers will find you an RV, often at a lot less than you can build new for. If you want to get flying quickly, it's a good alternative.

Welcome Jeff & Jeff

One flying and one dreaming. Not a problem, we are all dreamers, even those of us who are flying!

There is a lot to learn here (I'm still learning from this gang!) and I'm sure your future input will be more than welcome.

Jeff, now go and order that tail kit and Jeff, keep flying that -6.
To Jeff and Jeff from Jeff

Getting lots of Jeffs here! Great name.

I am working on my wings for an RV-9 and having a great time. Today is the day I break out the proseal (well, chem seal) to start sealing my fuel tanks. This seems to be, for many builders, the worst part of the entire plane building experience, so I will see. My limited experience with proseal is that is is messy stuff that smells like sewer gas.

Anyway, I am having a blast building so don't wait too long. The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish.