

51 yr old. Been skydiving for 20yrs so lots of hours in Cessna 182s climbing at 500 fpm. Seen a few other skydiving friends get their PPL, but I always thought that without a plan to get my own plane, getting a PPL was pointless. I finally hear about homebuilts and Vans and think "I could do this". I have spent the last 3 years finishing the basement in my house so I know a bit about a long project and ups and downs of it.

I got a few questions, but I am going to post them separately.


Welcome to the world of EAB home builders! Lots of great minds and knowledge collected here. Good luck on the build, if I can do it you can too!

Seth, you've come to the right place. Lot's of advice and help here...and most of it's pretty good, too!:D

You can find lots of info that you may be looking for by first doing a search, but don't be bashful about posting your questions for input.
Thanks everyone.

I am just testing the water right now, thinking about feasibility. I got three big steps in mind that will all take some time:

1. start to learn to fly a plane. I got a friend who is a CFI and I will be picking his brain shortly.
2. If #1 goes well and I want to keep flying as a long term hobby, then decide what plane to buy / build. Would involve demoing RVs (8 and 14) maybe others? Also what the wife wants to do, iow would I be flying mostly alone or as a couple (RV8 == mostly alone, RV14 == mostly together)?
3. Decide on timeline for build (got to get other projects wrapped up, etc)
Thanks everyone.

I am just testing the water right now, thinking about feasibility. I got three big steps in mind that will all take some time:

1. start to learn to fly a plane. I got a friend who is a CFI and I will be picking his brain shortly.
2. If #1 goes well and I want to keep flying as a long term hobby, then decide what plane to buy / build. Would involve demoing RVs (8 and 14) maybe others? Also what the wife wants to do, iow would I be flying mostly alone or as a couple (RV8 == mostly alone, RV14 == mostly together)?
3. Decide on timeline for build (got to get other projects wrapped up, etc)

I took my check ride 1 week after I started building our 14.

Hint: Your wife wants a 14 (side by side)
As I was once told before I started to build, the side-by-side thing is a "social issue". While that may be an over-simplification, many of our significant others don't like being relegated to climbing in the back as self loading baggage.

And you're thinking correctly in soaking up all the knowledge that you can before you make any long term decisions. Your CFI buddy should be a good starting point. Also go to some fly-ins, some EAA meetings, and hang out at the airport. You'll start to get a good feel for things. After you get a little experience under your belt with a 172 or a Cherokee (or whatever trainer you're in), then see if you can bum a ride in an RV. The difference is like night and day. Visibility, climb rate, cruising speed, handling, etc. are all big improvements in an RV. But walk before you run. Most of all, enjoy the journey. Good luck!