Well Known Member
Hello RV-flyers,

My RV-9 is equipped with a Dynon D-100/D-120 combo and has worked just fine over the last year or so. Lately I have extreme high EGT temperatures on the #3 cylinder (lycoming O-320). With a cold engine (before engine start) and the Dynon's fired up, number 3 goes over 2000F, so obviously there is either something wrong in the sensor or the Dynon. After start up and in flight, #3 comes down to more "normal" levels but still shows about 200F higher than the other ones.

Since I have had an issue with moisture in the panel, I wonder if moisture could have any effect.

Anyone out there with an idea on how to effectively troubleshoot this one ?
Thanks !
Pull the sensor. Chances are it's toast. There are several threads on burned EGT sensors.

BTW - if that one needs replacing, the others will probably be right behind it. When ordering, plan on 4 of them and do it at one time.
We agree with Webb, this is almost always a dead EGT sensor. The way the Dynon works, it's very, very unlikely that only one EGT channel input can go bad in the way you describe.
We agree with Webb, this is almost always a dead EGT sensor. The way the Dynon works, it's very, very unlikely that only one EGT channel input can go bad in the way you describe.

Thanks for the quick feedback. Are these probes/sensors universal, is a particular brand better than others ?