lorne green

Well Known Member
Are you going to release the eletrical wiring how-to series? Rookie and advanced? mmmmmmmmm I know of at least one guy that would bye it! :D
I'm with Lorne

I look forward to the SteinAir "how to" series. I have read Bob's books a million times, but think it gets way too in-depth for someone who just wants to wire their planes and not get into advanced EE theory (or learn how to make a roll your own ohm-meter).

I read the book, but still had several questions about basic wiring practices that weren't answered by this book. I think the best approach is to have "the book" and a visual how to "cut to the chase" series that Stein could offer.


Hi Guys,

We are finishing up the shooting and will get on the editing as soon as we can. It will be worth the wait.
Ummm...yeah...about that DVD!

We finished filming it once. Then decided to get it edited, and do the voice over for the entire thing.

Well, we found out that it was REALLY BORING to sit and listen to a "voiced over" training DVD (kind of like watching a computer training video). We really thought it was "ho hum" and not what we envisioned at all. The dubbed/voiced over work was really good (you might be surprised to know that we have 2 people on staff that either are or were professionals in either radio or voice over production work) - but I couldn't stand to see a silent picture with voices talking around it....just BOOOORING!

So....we (OK, I) decided and started to re-shoot and re-film the entire thing. This time we're going to do the entire DVD (in chapters/sections of course) live and in person with no voice overs. This means you'll likely hear us ramble on, mess up once and awhile, and have to listen to our terrible jokes, but at least it won't be as boring as a voiced over DVD. You'll have to put up with the occasional heat gun noice, and perhaps a censored "bleep or two" to cover up the inadvertent bad word (I've on occasion been known to use somewhat less than completely sanitary - or as I call it - "colorful" language), but overall it should be much nicer.

That means what we should have had finished a year ago will still take us some time to get it done the way I want it done. I think it'll be worth the wait.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it :)

A work in progress

The comedy stylings of Stein and friends. :rolleyes:

Actually, to have someone show us how to run a set of wires correctly
a long with crimping/fastening/grounding etc is what I'm looking for in these instructional videos.
Most of us :D are intelligent enough to be able to say show me once how it's done and we're good to go!
OK maybe twice for some of us ;)
You go Stein!
Another option?

Any comments on the Avionics Hangar dvd? This seems to be the same thing that Stein has been promising, but it's available now. Feel free to PM me if you prefer. Thanks.

Grant Cassady
I'm In


When it's done you will have a sale with me. I look forward to the completed project.

Do you have live seminars? I would consider flying into Minneapolis for that (at least if its not in January)


The new video is turning out well. We probably have one or two more shoots to do than I will get busy editing. We also have the multi-talented Jenny
(one of our panel elves/hand models here at SA) doing some of the work for the video. I hope to have it ready to go in early '08. There may be other videos out there, but none with Stein Air's secret ingredient that sets us apart..... butter.

Paul: I'd be interested in the DVD too. The way I can forget things it could be a great reference. But I hope to learn most essentials when I visit you guys (? soon) to pick up my panel and find out what those numbers mean on the pins. Hope all is well and that Stein's not using too many words requiring bleeping out. Merry Christmas unless my panel's done before then. If it is, I'll tell you in person. See you soon! Bill PS Our ski videos are boring too.