
Well Known Member
Hey Rainier,

How about a "from the source" update on the MGL Nav/Com development and what the product looks like now and what the line will look like in the future.

One thing that I hope that your planning is that the Nav/com will respond or emulate the SL30 in regards to the RS232 communications. That way anything that currently talks and plays well with the SL30 would work great with your box.

I hate the idea of paying $3500+ for a SL30 when I know your product will be much more cost effective for similar or better performance and features. It would be a shame to loose the connectivity advantages that the current SL30 has in the market though. All of the major experimental efis makers talk to the SL30 over serial and I doubt they will be in a hurry to code a driver for your nav/com if it is different.

My current plan includes the either Dynon with the HS34/AP74 and their AP or your Enigma and AP along with a SL30 but if your NAV/Com solution can also interface to both, that opens up more opportunities for me to have a more cost effective panel.
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