That'd be nice, but in general video cameras aren't allow in my work airplanes. When cameras are allowed, the video typically isn't releasable.

There are some exceptions...I have some video from a functional check flight (FCF) I did in a Thunderbird jet - they have little lipstick cams all over them along with a sweet Elmo camera controller. I haven't really put anything together with that though. I also have some video from F-16 & F-18 departure sorties that I've done. I have some stuff from that for some presentations I did that's been approved by public affairs for release...lemme see what I can find.
This one was approved for release for a presentation I did for EAA Ch 448 at Cable. It shows some tower flybys (Pitot static calibration runs) and some F-16 departures. I can't remember exactly what speed the tower flybys were, but we did passes that day up to 0.95M (about 600KIAS)..all between 50 & 100'AGL. I flew the departures a little over a year ago here at Edwards. The airplane was at the aft CG limit (via fuel feeding & extra ballast) & was configured with missles hanging all over one wing & nothing on the other. The F-16 was an old B model, so that HUD is not representative of what the new jets look like. You can see the AOA & sideslip vanes up front. Fun ride...

Very cool!


What are the bangs you mention, compressor stalls?

Man you are a cool customer - my teenage son said - "he almost sounded bored" Then I explained what the plane was doing. He then said "Awesome"

Great Stuff!

There are several of you folks flying RV's that get to do the kind of flying that you have posted in the video or similar. I've often wondered if the RV actually fixes the fighter pilot types or test pilots when you go out in yours? In other words, is there actually the fun factor in an RV in quantities that can make you folks feel satisfied? I kinda get a charge out of a low pass watching the people or buildings whiz by and then the zoom climb to pattern. Is this sort of thing just boring to you? Again, just wondering.
In other words, is there actually the fun factor in an RV in quantities that can make you folks feel satisfied?
Absolutely! People ask me this all the time. Honestly, I have every bit as much fun in my RV as I do flying at work. Sometimes more fun. It's totally different. Real-deal fighters have tons of thrust, maneuverability, multi-million dollar avionics, weapons & all kinds other great things...BUT, an average mission takes me a full day of planning plus another full day to prep, execute & debrief. All the while, I'm doing what "they" want me to do. That's a ton of work to get that 1.3 hours of fun. The RV is has a much higher "Fun to BS" ratio. Besides, I can't fly my F-16 to lunch. :D