Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
And the 6 cylinder unit is ?????????

Anybody out there have any info other than what is on their website??
That's the wonderful thing about competition.

LightSpeed has 6 cylinder
As does ElectroAir

Personally I'm stunned after all these years EMag still hasn't accomodated 6-bangers. That's like leaving money lying on the table.

In Emag's defense, they are designing a six cylinder unit that will plug in, like a standard mag AND have an internal generator, and unlike the other two, they want it to be a single unit without all the external pieces, connections, failure points, etc.

Their challenge was designing a physical unit that would fit in all the variations of Lycoming and Continental engines. In addition, they designed the internals so that they could certify the unit.

Add to that their commitment to not have the teething problems the four cylinder ignitions had and the delays are understandable.

The good news is that they are very very close to releasing them.
The good news is that they are very very close to releasing them.

Now where have we heard that before? :rolleyes:

Yep, held the unit in my very own hands at Osh 2011, and was told it would be available by the end of the year.

Luckily, the refused my offer to buy a couple of them on the spot, and ship when available.

I truly do wish they would get these units going-------my Lasar system is an orphan and its clock is ticking down.....................:(
Saw this on their site:

"2/29/16: We anticipate making deliveries of a few six cylinder proof-sets to local operators before Sun-N-Fun. While those are being evaluated, we can start ramping production for customer sets that will follow.

To assist those who are preparing for installation, we are including a link to the Series 200-6X Installation and Operating Guide. No doubt, people will have questions and comments that we?ll use to revise the manual as needed ? as often as needed. So regard this release as a first draft."

Will be very interested to hear how the install goes for early adapters.
One of the reasons we put our CPI-6 into production was multiple requests from people who'd been waiting years for the 6 cylinder PMag. Their airplanes were now done and ready to fly. They couldn't wait any longer. 5 years late. Really?
Dont want to bash Emag here, but I was told personally that these "proof sets" would be released "...around Christmas..." (2015), but "definitely" before the first of the year. Same old story, I'm afraid.

The site does not say which YEAR Sun n Fun, did it?;)

And Ross, thanks again for any consideration you gave to my request (begging) for the CPI-6.