Paul?s plane is great.
Like the receptacle markers.
Just hope when it pops up he won?t need help
Closing like the F4 receptacle .

Paul?s plane is great.
Like the receptacle markers.
Just hope when it pops up he won?t need help
Closing like the F4 receptacle .


I never ever assisted an F4 close his receptacle. Never.

The other Boomer
Glad the folks who get it “get it!” - thanks to all of the Boomers out there! Now how low can I get you guys to meet know I am VFR only, so can’t get into the Flight Levels.....unless, of course, I turn off some specific transmitters.....;)

All in good fun, and it was a good way to get a “No Push” placard on the nose and create some puzzled (and some knowing) looks at the same time.

Once refueled an F4 at 5,000 MSL (3,000 AGL) due to temporary runway closure. SAC command post was ?just? somewhat okay with it but TAC pilot was extremely happy. Kept him from an ugly divert on fumes.
This brings back memories... Stuck poppet valves, bad induction coils, broken nozzles and my favorite... greasing the boom!
Over twenty-five years of the best job I ever had... Pilots taking me to work all the time.
KC-135A, KC-10, KC-135R
I heard from a guy who knew a guy...

Tell us more...just what you heard of course. Sometimes something needed a little love tap?

who may have accidentally contacted the receptacle door with the boom nozzle in the right place which resulted in assisting the closure of the door. Legend has it this may have happened more than once. This would have to have been an accident because contacting the receiver outside of the receptacle is a no-no according to the refueling manual.