
Well Known Member
Heritage Airpark is hosting a fly in on Saturday, 4/5/08.
Lunch will be available about 11:30 AM.
Heritage has a 17/35 runway and is planning for Right Hand traffic on 35. The field is just SE of Randolph Air Force base on the San Antonio sectional.
It's a grass field but is pretty smooth. At least one RV9A is based there and uses the field regularly.
Use 122.9 for traffic.

Hope to see you there.

I live at Heritage. The runway is in good shape with NO holes.
There is catered BBQ for lunch.
George Meketa
Boy, I 'm glad you remembered to post this Steve....George was SUPPOSED to post it a couple of weeks ago to remind me because I knew I'd forget before I got home....;)

If the weather cooperates, I'll try to make it!

Too bad this wasn't posted in the south Texas section. I saw the title of the post yesterday but ignored it having no idea Heritage was even in the state of Texas let alone only 100 miles up the road from me.
Turned out to be a great fly in...the weather was perfect. There were lots of planes. Don't know how many, but someone may post the actual number.
I visited with Jay & Carol and also saw Paul land, but by then I was shot and was on the way out. Hope everyone who attended had a great time. Heritage is a nice air park to visit and I have quite a few friends lucky enough to call it home.
Already looking forward to next year.

We do not have an exact count but had 65 on the field at one time and estimate 70-75 total. There were 250 BBQ plates sold. BBQ ran out and they broke out lasagna. Sorry, but they told the caterer 200 plates.

We only e-mailed off a previous fly-in sign-in book and told locals. There were no flyers posted, etc. The number of planes could have been much higher if word had got out, but were about right for a nice uncongested time. We will evaluate what to do next year, but may try to keep it about the same. I have been very busy and had asked Steve to post at the last minute. Sorry.

All in all a very nice flyin.

George Meketa