
Well Known Member
Went over to my buddy's place for a BBQ after work. When showing me some of the cool parts for the Stewart S-51 (works of art by the way!!) A cool little tool caught my eye.


Do you know what you use it for? Well here you can find out

I want one!
That is indeed pretty slick. Nice idea.

C'mon tool vendors! Get this thing under license and for sale so that I don't have to make my own.

aircraft registration wake up

Have a RV8 ready for faa airworthy inspection. Called my local FAA fsdo office and was told to get aircraft registered first,he could not use pink copy of 8050-1 .Looked on faa web sight ,said they are processing application from may 16 at this time. Will Ihave to wait till mid September to get a registed. Any words of WisdomHELP .:confused:
Have a RV8 ready for faa airworthy inspection. Called my local FAA fsdo office and was told to get aircraft registered first,he could not use pink copy of 8050-1 .Looked on faa web sight ,said they are processing application from may 16 at this time. Will Ihave to wait till mid September to get a registed. Any words of WisdomHELP .:confused:

Yes, you need to start your own thread. You can't start posting another subject in an existing thread.

Go here...... and click on NEW THREAD. Your thread will show up in today's posts and people will see and respond to them.......

All will be good.
So apparently when you look really close at the tool. You can see ''

Well...The website link is dead. Would be great to have a tool like this. If I knew what kind of file a 3D printer uses I could probably model one. I use AutoCAD quite often and have taken AME courses back in the day.

I have access to a fairly high end 3d printer.

Most of them use STL files. AutoCAD products will output them.

Feel free to contact me if you need some help, or I'd be happy to print out a couple for you if you'd like.

Simple Enough To Make.....

I think I'll make one myself. I'll use some scrap .120 or .188 flat stock and cut it out roughly like this:


The diagonal stuff is supposed to represent two clecos.

Adjacent to the opening for the rivet set will be a series of closely-spaced #40 holes that I can put a cleco through into the aircraft part. Then the fork is wide enough to fit a cleco.

This way, it should accommodate almost any reasonable rivet hole spacing, especially since my sets are bigger than the spacing between the small holes. The right-most cleco, through the tool, holds it in place, and the slot means that any rivet spacing will work.

Not a big deal - and thanks for the idea!

You have to love the creativity. I might suggest more practice with the rivet gun and improving your skill set in lieu of a tool.
Not trying to be negative, but there isn't any reason you can't do a good job when bucking solo. Many of us did our entire projects by ourselves, with very little experience.
Rivet guns wander because of a variety of things, mostly inadequately supported work, poor working positioning that doesn't allow you to support the tool squarely, and sometimes wrong gun pressure. All of these can be easily overcome if you understand what is influencing gun wander.
This tool does not prevent rivet gun bounce, the most common error when bucking rivets.
By the way, the example in the link is shown in application doing end ribs, on what appears to be an unsupported piece. No need to buck what you can easily reach to squeeze, and by all means if you are going to shoot with a gun, make sure your work is well supported, even if you want to use a clever tool like this one.
Hey I think you may be on to something

Dan, Yeah I checked my AutoCAD and it will export to a Lithography file (.stl) file. I'll have to play with it a bit to figure it out how it works.

David...That is a very cool design. Simple but effective. Can make that out of just about anything.

JonJay. You are absolutely correct in your statements. However keep in mind that in the application shots its just that. It was an example of how it can be used, not where we actually use it. His elevator for his F1 Rocket was laying right there, so that what he used it to show me.

True you don't need the plethora of tools that some of us builders choose to purchase for the RV. But, there are some really great tools for those few instances we run into while building that could really, really save our keester. (like my alligator pneumatic squeezer, which I've used only a handful of times but I love it!! - And it broke the bank!!). I think when I bucked the forward most rivets on the leading edge....This tool would have made the job so much better for me. But if you did it all by hand and solo and its perfect. Then your a rock star and I bow to you.

But I'd still buy this tool cause it's cool and I am a tool junkie:D:D:D:D