Active Member
Well it?s official.
Van?s Builder Number 140477. Empennage kit ordered.
So it begins.

Due in a large part of the all the support from my Family, the EAA SportAir Workshop, Webinars, Homebuilt Help tips, Chapter 643, the Mothership, and of course VAF - I feel (barely) able to take on a project like this. There is SO much to learn and decide, but it?s a blast diving in the past few years and preparing.

I?m humbled by all those, including many of you here, who have come before and blazed the path. It?s inspiring.

One day I hope to know what a roller tapppet is and what?s so special about them :)

Warm regards,
Rich Kulesa
I'm envious, Rich. I purchased my aircraft already flying. I did do the paint, avionics and interior but someday (when I'm not working 12 hours a day) hope to enjoy what you are about to embark upon, and feel the unmeasurable pride of building your own aircraft. Best of luck and Godspeed.
Welcome to the RV-14 journey. If you are like me, it will be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things you undertake - ever! The RV-14 kit makes this incredible process about as good as it can get. And the end result is a real gem.
One day I hope to know what a roller tapppet is and what?s so special about them :)

The original tappets on Lycoming and Continental were flat (actually slightly crowned) made of chilled cast iron that ran directly on the cam. The tappet operated the pushrod which in turn operated the rocker which opened the valve. Roller tappets have a small wheel or roller on a pin or axle that runs directly on the cam. The main advantage is lower wear, especially at startup.
Anything you would add to the order?

Thank you all for the support and finally revealing the mysteries of the roller tappet :D
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I find it interesting that Van?s has sold a little fewer than 500 -14/-14A kits in less than six years (correct me if I?m wrong) and more than 10% of them are flying. When you consider how many are more recent starts that could not reasonably be expected to be completed yet, that?s a pretty good completion rate. That is, at least compared to the overall completion rate of about 24-25% of original purchasers for most kits. My own kit bucks that positive trend, though, as I?m the second owner.

Good luck, Rich! Welcome to the club and bring us all of your questions. We?ll be more than happy to tell you that none of us ever had whatever problem you?re dealing with! 🤥
Anything you would add to the order?

You may consider adding:

Tank sealant: for the elevators' foam ribs; the 1 oz is sufficient.
Double side tape: for the rudder and elevators trailing edges. If you elect to use tank sealant, you may consider ordering additional sealant.
Additional 470 & 426 rivets: if you made rivet cards or other practice material. Their size would depend thickness of the material and the size holes you drilled.
Rivet tape:
Safety wire: if you don't have a local source.
Welcome aboard, Rich! We've all been there....it's a journey and you don't even know what you don't know (but you'll learn). And it's worth it.

Welcome again!


When "the box" shows up in your driveway; unpack, inventory, and put everything away except the vertical stab parts. Pay no attention to all those other blue plastic covered aluminum pieces surrounding you. Enjoy building one part at a time and, as time goes by, you'll begin to notice airplane parts hanging in various parts of your shop. It's a cool and interesting journey.
Ahh, over a decade ago, I would drive the hour each way to the office and back each day and have almost no recollection of the commute at all, for 2yrs! Was I intoxicated? I guess so, all hopped up on my RV build in progress. Good times.
Best of luck to you!

And a quick recommendation - read the entire sections "Tips" and "Tools" here on VAF. There's a ton of good stuff there, including answers to the common questions.

Have fun!

Thank you all for the well wishes and encouragement! I?ll post pics of the shop soon, spent a few years building it with a homebuilt in mind. Just finishing up some of those famous workbenches.