
Doug said it was ok to mention a link on his site here to help get the word out about an effort that I and my friend's mother are undertaking to assist soldiers deployed to Iraq with a community outreach program.

Please cut and paste this into your browser to go look at the info, or you can go to the Van's Air Force site and click on the link from yesterday's (3-2-05) news.


Thank you so much for any support you can lend to this great effort. I appreciate it very much.

Please let me know ([email protected]) if you have any questions about how to ship stuff or anything else about the program. You can also email me if you want to receive updates (pictures, news about the units activities, etc.) We're already getting the first of that type of stuff!

Thanks again

This project is right on target. Thankyou for doing this and thanks to all who will read it and support this worthwhile effort. I'm a soldier and I have been there.....anything that comes in the mail from home is welcome....anything.

Personally, I used to sit over there and think about all the new airplane magazines I would get to catch up on when I got back!! :)

Thank you!

We got some pictures back from their first mission for this outreach program. We also got a brief description of it (below). They should be doing a mission to the local schools soon.

The pictures are too large to attach. I will be glad to send them to anyone who wants them. Just email me at [email protected]

Thanks very much to all that have supported this and other similar efforts!



All, we just returned from a patrol to the KARBALA Pediatric Center. We
delivered the first boxes of childrens toys and over the counter drugs the
FSGs have sent us. I think you can tell by the expressions of IRAQIs what
our reception was.

This center has about 200 children hospitialized and sees about 500
outpatient daily.

Please email me if you still would like the info

At my request, Doug removed the info today from his page. Apparently, the letter included a little too much info on the location of my friends unit. Somebody in the Family Support Group had posted the letter on a forum like this, and it was found in a google search by someone that mattered.

If any of you are still interested in getting info on how to help, please feel free to email me directly at [email protected] and I can email you the info. Please put Honor a Soldier in the subject line so it won't get overlooked amongst the spam.

Thanks to all who have helped so far!