
any advice on using a pneumatic squeezer. im having a hard time adjusting the spacing between the jaws. I squeezed about 50 practice rivets and seemed like i had it but when i got to the horn on the elevator i could not seem to get it right. just ordered a new spar and ribs for right elevator (i messed up the spar drilling out the horn ). im a newbie builder bought the Isham kit great tools but no hand squeezer but i think it might be a little easier to line up before setting the rivet.thanks in advance.:confused:
Are you using an adjustable set?


With practice, you'll start learning how to dial in the set pretty close. I usually start with it a bit loose, and tighten it up after checking the shop head with the rivet gauge. Once it's dialed in you can run through and do an entire line.

Is the elevator the first part you're starting with? The vertical stab (at least on the 9) is a much better piece to learn on.
Another tip to help line up the pneumatic squeezer - very slightly tease the trigger to get the squeezer to slowly close the gap while holding it in alignment on the rivet. Once the squeezer has closed the gap and made contact, then you can flick open the valve to apply full pressure and squeeze the rivet. I get excellent results on my 426 flush heads this way, it helps a lot with alignment. Take a piece of scrap and practice about a hundred times, it will come to you.
any advice on using a pneumatic squeezer. im having a hard time adjusting the spacing between the jaws. I squeezed about 50 practice rivets and seemed like i had it but when i got to the horn on the elevator i could not seem to get it right. just ordered a new spar and ribs for right elevator (i messed up the spar drilling out the horn ). im a newbie builder bought the Isham kit great tools but no hand squeezer but i think it might be a little easier to line up before setting the rivet.thanks in advance.:confused:
Hi Mike, I'm close enough that I can drive to your shop If you think I could help you out. PM me if you're interested.

thanks for all the advice and captainrons offer to come and show me how to use the sqeezer. Im glad I am building avaf and not bvaf.
anyone that completed a plane BVAF/internet had to be quite skilled already.
now with VAF/internet, anyone can build a plane. well almost anyone........

IMHO the completion rate would suffer greatly with out VAF/internet, this site makes it real nice tons more doable for the average bear.......... but determined folks will still finish with or without it just alot more research involved.
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Mike -

I bought that same kit 2 years ago and use the pneumo squeezer a lot but purchased the Avery hand squeezer that uses the same set of yokes. To date, I use the hand squeezer more based on the control but I still love the pneumo for repetitive jobs like dimpling edges etc.

Here is the hand squeezer that will take the same yokes as the pneumo:


Like any great tool it's not cheap but you'll love it!

- Peter
We're building an RV-10 and this is my 4th project. The first two were before these forms and research was 90% from the kit supplier. Although all the kit manufactors know there stuff ,their knowledge and views pale in contrast to what is available on these forums. "There are many ways to skin a cat", as the saying goes, but you have to study the information given on these forums before using them on your plane. I find that if someone gives out bad information someone else always finds a way to quietly get the better information across. Much easier to find information, but still needing research.