David O

I’m in the wiring stages of a panel upgrade for my RV9a. The upgrade will consist of an IFD 440, GMA345 and Dynon 429. The items will talk to the existing complete Skyview 1000 system along with a G5.
I have been able to get through the power, grounds and comm radios. But, I have come to question the wording and meaning of the more advanced system in the wiring diagrams as I’ve seen where one company calls it one thing and another something else.
Since the advanced system I’m installing is an upgraded system to many others previous systems, and new to me; I am hoping for some help on a pin call out, blueprint or diagram for the system. IFD440 –(Garmin 430) , GMA 345-(GMA 340).
The plan is to get the plane panel upgraded to an IFR platform and begin my IFR training in the RV once panel is complete.
Thanks in advance for support.
David J Ortega
[email protected]