
I'm New Here
Hi all, I posted a while back looking for a part number and somebody suggested posting a picture.
I hope you can see this:


The part is the aft edge of a 6A tip up canopy. From my Vans CD it looks like part F-631A but when I type into the list it comes up with left and right pieces. I believe it is fiberglass.

Thanks for your help.

Pat Enloe

That is a make-it-yourself part. Van's does not make it, the original builder did. It looks to be repairable by someone skilled in fiberglass work.
Thanks Steve, that's not the answer I wanted. If if were an actual part it looks as if I could have replaced it. The piece seems to be 1/8 to 3/16 thick. I guess I'll have to find someone around the Dallas area to look at it.

Forgot to mention, this is commonly called a Targa strip (since it has the look of a Porsche Targa). You might find some "how to" info on building one using the search tool. Then again, it can be repaired as I mentioned.
Targa strip

Most folks make one from either sheet metal or do a fiberglass layup. There's no part number that I'm aware of. I did a fiberglass layup on my bird.

If you can remove the fiberglass strip one could use it as a pattern and make one from metal...I've seen both fiberglass and metal strips used.
Is it really a targa strip, or is it simply a portion of the Plexiglas painted?

A 1/8 to 3/16 inch thick targa strip would not be under the metal side skirt on the canopy. Fibreglas doesn't usually break that cleanly.

A closer picture may be needed.
Is it really a targa strip, or is it simply a portion of the Plexiglas painted?

A 1/8 to 3/16 inch thick targa strip would not be under the metal side skirt on the canopy. Fibreglas doesn't usually break that cleanly.

A closer picture may be needed.

Looks like you nailed it.... A Targa strip would normally cover over the gap of the canopy plexi, and the back window....

The good news is Van's does have a part number for that.....:)

The bad news is you won't like the price.......:eek:

But , you can repair that corner without replacing the entire canopy.

That probably broke off when the canopy was dropped, or the wind blew it closed.
Just got back from a closer inspection and indeed it is just part of the plexiglas canopy. The other side is cracking as well and has been stop drilled. I think I would like to cover it with a metal strip using the same holes that the plexiglas uses. Now I just need someone who can make the part. I have a couple of ideas. Thanks all!

Just got back from a closer inspection and indeed it is just part of the plexiglas canopy. The other side is cracking as well and has been stop drilled. I think I would like to cover it with a metal strip using the same holes that the plexiglas uses. Now I just need someone who can make the part. I have a couple of ideas. Thanks all!

I would go with fiberglass, but either will work. :)

What might be more important is to make some guides so the corners of the canopy don't catch as it closes.

Several different versions shown in this post.
I believe if the strip is made from metal, either the leading edge will require stretching or the trailing edge will require shrinking to get it to fit properly. This might be a consideration when determining the material used. Good luck!
Wow, thanks for all the replies! Hopefully I can find someone here in Texas that can help me. If not, I may have to fly it to someone who can. Thanks again!

Pat Enloe
Since I'm fixing up the canopy, can someone tell me if the part number for the rubber seal along the front edge of the canopy? It's the seal that the canopy leading edge lowers onto. Having a hard time finding part numbers from just the Van's CD. Would purchasing the full size paper plans help to identify parts? Thanks again!
Since I'm fixing up the canopy, can someone tell me if the part number for the rubber seal along the front edge of the canopy? It's the seal that the canopy leading edge lowers onto. Having a hard time finding part numbers from just the Van's CD. Would purchasing the full size paper plans help to identify parts? Thanks again!

Small parts like that seal aren't part of the plans or kit, they are done by the builder and are possibly unique to that particular aircraft. You may just have to find something close enough.
Small parts like that seal aren't part of the plans or kit, they are done by the builder and are possibly unique to that particular aircraft. You may just have to find something close enough.

That seal was a part of the original RV-6A kit, I got one with my kit... however some later VAF postings say that the specific V-shaped seal is no longer available.

More info here and my picture of the original seal...