
Well Known Member
Question on these filler plates behind the prop. My spinner is all cut, drilled, and screwed on. Filler plates are made, drilled and cleco'd. Now the easy part has become the hard part. I cannot come up with anything to use to rivet these plates on. My rivet squeezer wont fit, the handle hits the prop and puts the squeezer on an angle. I cant find a rivet set that will fit in there for a rivet gun, everything i try makes the gun hit the prop. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Remove the prop!

I would like to avoid removing the prop spacer just for these plates. Dont like the idea of hammering out the press fit pins. Removing the prop would be an extreme last resort i think. Thanks though.
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Can you find someone local with an alligator type squeezer?

I took my prop/spacer apart. It didn't seem to be that big of a deal. I went in a circular pattern giving each pin a few taps until it came apart.