
Active Member
Hey guys,

I bought a 1998 QB RV8 kit that only had the HS and VS buildt. The original owner bought a new plan set in 2004 (not sure why). I'm trying to decide if I should use the 98 plans or the more updated 04 plans. I seem to be missing a few pages between 2 and 8 for some reason in both sets. Also I emailed Vans asking which number plans have a "A" second page and they said they dont have that info on a kit that old. I asked if I should just order a new set now and they said it would just be confusing because of the -1 wing in 2001 ( I have no idea what that means) and the match hole fuse in 2007. Any advice greatly appeciated.

I think you would want to find a set close to the age of your parts. The -1 wing is different then the earlier ones and I think your kit is before a lot of the major parts were pre-puched.

RV8 -1 Kit

The RV8 kit was changed to make all parts pre-punched and the -1 designation denotes a pre-punched kit.

The wing kit was also updated to make it compatible with most parts for the RV7 wing (during construction the RV7 rear spar is shortened (due to side-by-side fuselage width) and the RV7 also gets slightly shorter flaps...other than that, they're virtually identical. Wingtip shapes have also changed over the years.

There are other minor differences in the -1 fuselage kit, most notably the firewall (older kits use more pieces to do the same task), the seat brace mounting plates (-1 have large lightening holes where older kits are solid), etc.

Both will get the job done-no worries...but the parts are not the same and the plans are different.

Good hunting,
Ok thanks for the info I was hoping there weren't major changes made due to problems that were found or somthing.
Not exactly

The RV8 kit was changed to make all parts pre-punched and the -1 designation denotes a pre-punched kit.

Good hunting,

Mike is incorrect in the second half of his statement above. All the earlier [prior to 2000] kits are pre-punched. [rivet holes in the skins and spars] The later kits [denoted as Mk I] are called matched hole. The difference is the matched hole kits have under sized holes rivet holes in the ribs and bulkheads, which the pre-punched kits did not [skins and spars only]

The spar caps on the Mk I wings are 1/4" thicker than the earlier kits, so the wings are not interchangeable between early and later [Mk I] kits. I have the earlier plans. Let me know which drawings you need. I will take digital photos of them and can email them to you.
PS Check your private messages
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I had the same issue when I bought my RV-8 QB; only some of the original plans were with the kit. I bought the later model plans and it was a pain in the butt to have to look at both sets to decide what needed to be done. It really gets confusing when you order FWF and Finish kits. It's doable; just takes a little more effort.