
Well Known Member
I tried to set up an imageshack account, and the site says that it has sent me several messages to my email address that will allow me to finish the process.

However, I have received no messages, and have returned to the imageshack site several times to try to solve the problem.

I do have a spamblocker set up on Earthlink, but there are no messages in my spam folder, so that's not the problem.

Any ideas?
Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and use something other than Imageshack!

That service is full of popups, spam, and shareware!
Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and use something other than Imageshack!

That service is full of popups, spam, and shareware!

Amen to that.:mad::mad:

I am using Picasa, on advise of the forums resident photog, it makes posting fairly easy.

At least in comparison to other services.

Photo posting is a pain------but it can be done.

I know next to nothing about the world of the Internet. Way out of my depth. More than a few times I've heard criticism directed at Imageshack. Someone please enlighten me. I almost always use Imageshack to post photos here and I do not get bothered with pop ups and such. When visiting the site, I just do what I have to do and then get out. Seems a very easy service to use from my perspective. I have a firewall that filters out a lot of junk, so why would I want to change? Does my use of Imageshack somehow inconvenience those who view photos hosted by Imageshack that I post here? If so, in what way?

Some favor Picasa. Well from my experience, Picasa is no slouch when it comes to dumping cookies on the casual visitor to the site.
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Rick, these sites that do "free" hosting have to make their $$$ somehow. It costs $$$ to maintain the site.

As Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, "follow the money".

Cookie collection, pop up ads, and other junk------they sell space on the site, or sell your info. Or something.

Imageshack is the worse one I have seen, at least in the arena of annoying pop ups and the like.

Firewalls help, using Firefox helps, ETC.
I use the 1st paragraph of Image Shack "hotlink for forums". I copy the whole thing, and eliminate the second URL. I don't sign up for any accounts either. Just the "insert pic" link that's to the left of this page.

Stay Away From Imageshack

:mad:I got a nasty virus (Trojan Horse, Spyware, Hijack) called "PC Protection Center 2008" by accessing an image hosted on Imageshack about three weeks ago when researching APRS from the VAF forums. It wasn't particularly destructive but it completely hijacked my computer and completely disabled Norton Internet Security (with firewall, intrusion prevention - the works) which was enabled at the time. I finally got rid of it after many, many hours of work and wasted time (when I could have been building). It really was an impressive virus. If you get a pop-up message saying that spyware was detected and you should click a link to "PC Protection Center 200X" to get rid of it," DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK! Do a Google search on "PC Protection Center" to find out more.

Please do not host images on Imageshack. I have in the past, but will switch to another hosting service.

Disclaimer: I have no financial or other interest in Imageshack or any other image hosting service. I am merely warning others of a very nasty experience I had.
Those popups occur in many places on the web. If you ever receive a notification about spyware, malware, viruses, etc. and the top of the popup window does not have the name of your protection software, then don't click it - it's a phish. Similarly, ignore 'Active-X' or other plug-in notifications if the pop-up window does not have the name of your web browser. To be really safe, don't Ok anything if you are not sure of the source and what it will do.

Now, as for image hosting. Free is nice, but web hosting costs so little. US Website Design and Hosting will give you 100mb of space for $50 a year. Even if you don't want to have a web site, you can still use it to host pictures. Or you can do both; my site has a directory called /images which contains pictures not directly part of my web pages. Many hosting companies will even set up your site as a wiki as part of the package, which means it's easy to upload pictures. USWDH does but I opted to use MediaWiki because it's used at my University and I know how to 'tweak' it a bit. I'm not affiliated with USWDH; there are a lot of good hosting companies out there. But I started my own website many year ago when I was doing some consulting and have maintained the site ever since; prices have only dropped and you get features today you wouldn't have dreamed of back then. I'm paying a little over $100/year for 3GB (that's 30 times the $50 level) because I sometimes host some large files for classes at NAU as well as my personal site and photos. That's about $8 a month - I don't miss it.

Out of curiosity, why doesn't VAF allow us to attach pictures, It would be a much better service and I would even be willing to pay a yearly subscription fee for the service.
Out of curiosity, why doesn't VAF allow us to attach pictures, It would be a much better service and I would even be willing to pay a yearly subscription fee for the service.
I'm guessing it is because it would cost Doug lots of money and many people would not be willing to pay extra when picture hosting is available FREE many places.
OK, I'll ditch Imageshack

I have never used an online photo site, so the only reason I started with Imageshack was that it is mentioned in DR's article on Inserting images into VAF forums, and I see that a lot of folks on VAF seem to use it. Often when I click on a photo, it goes to imageshack.

Any more suggestions for an EASY TO USE site?


Like I said, I couldn't be happier with Photobucket. it's free, it fast, and it links good sized pics for web viewing. I've been registered for many years and have probably 400 pics stored there. It's nice because you can upload your pics and make up many folders to keep them organized. posting them is as easy as clicking on the "direct link" , then going to VAF and clicking the "insert image" icon. like this pic of Schafer Meadows
another Photobucket test

Thanks for the Photobucket hint. This is my test picture taken along Oregon coast on the way to Pacific City last August.

If you just want to post a picture to the forums and not make a gallery for other uses, I find TinyPic the quickest, easiest way. While it is now owned by Photobucket, the interface is much more to the point. Check it out:


If you just want to post a picture to the forums and not make a gallery for other uses, I find TinyPic the quickest, easiest way. While it is now owned by Photobucket, the interface is much more to the point. Check it out:




That's much better! What should you select to get the picture size to fit the page?