
Well Known Member
Hoping some one can help or offer reassurance.

I’m just starting out building an RV-8, and am having some issues surrounding edge distance on the HS-00003 Spar Doubler.

So standard edge distance is 2x the diameter of the rivet.

I have measured out the attach holes for the HS-702, HS-814-1 HS-810-1, HS-00003, and the HS-00005 as per Detail DD on drawing 3. However this has bought me up short on edge distance. On a previous matter with edge distance in this area Vans pointed me towards the edge distance called out in the SB (SB14-01-31) specifically page 21, and it states “The minimum allowable spar doubler edge distance is shown in Figure 14” Figure 14 shows the distance as 5/32”

The problem I have is that figure 14 is talking about the outboard most hole of the doubler, and my issue is the top attach hole for all the parts stated above.

Now I have more than the 5/32” stated in the SB but not the 1/4” standard. I would email Vans but they are all at EAA until 7/31, so I thought I would throw it out to you guys to see what you think?

What I should say is that my spar doubler, with all the holes drilled, looks exactly like the spar doubler on page 21 of the SB.
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Photos of the parts/plans will get you a much quicker reply. Sorry. If you have 5/32" per Vans, you're good.
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The 2D edge distance is a conservative rule of thumb.

The minimum edge distance which Van's generally uses is 0.156" (5/32"), taken from MIL-R-47196A Table VIII. A cleaned-up copy of this spec is available on Van's web site.

That doubler has caused grief to a few people, me included.

I hope I have got this!

Here’s the page of the SB:

And here’s my edge distance issue. It’s the top hole of the ones circled in red:


Please forgive the writing, it was done with a fat finger on an iPhone!
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I cannot see a problem with the ones circled in red but do see a problem with the ones on the bottom left side.
Sorry, I think its the angle of the camera.
Here it is re orientated, and a better shot of it.


I have 5/32 on the hole indicated by Vans in the SB. But does that hole distance cover the rest of the doubler too?

The hole circled in red is the one causing me concern as its not specifically called out in the SB, but I still have 5/32 clearance on it (7/32), but not the 1/4 standard.
Just to finish this off. I emailed Vans and 5/32? edge distance is good on the spar doubler. Just as you guys said it would be.
If it'll help you sleep better at night simply imagine a rectangle with that Rivet hole you're concerned about being the lower right side of the rectangle and drill and add another rivet right in the middle of it. I'm referring to the middle of the rectangle.