
Well Known Member
I have an RV9A with EIS 4000 and Sport SX EFIS that I use for a graphic engine display. I cannot get the fuel tank level, left and right to act right. The EIS does calibrate properly and displays fuel in integer form, but the EFIS display which is supposed to use the EIS data, shows fuel levels that are no consistent with those shown on the EIS, close, but no banana. Has anyone else struggled though this and could offer help? :confused:
Make sure the Sport EIS setup page has the AUX input numbers for the fuel levels the same as the EIS, and that the format is set the same (integer per your post).

When I set up my Sport EX, I guessed wrong on the AUX assignments on the EIS and got garbage until I fixed that. Then I had to match the format and everything fell into place :rolleyes:

The GRT documentation doesn't show every setup page (kinda wish it would), so you have to be diligent when setting things up.
Going from memory, so I may have this wrong. But IIRC, the EIS has a simple calibration: empty, full, and a linear interpolation between the two. But the EFIS can do much better: empty, add two gallons, add two more, etc., until full. The EFIS remembers all these numbers and interpolates between them, giving a much more accurate reading. So you should see different numbers on the efis (most accurate) and the eis (less accurate). They should agree at full and empty.
Problem Found

I finally found the problem. The issue was that the Fuel Data table had been filled in by a previous owner of the EFIS and I did not realize it existed. Using that table I was able to see and display fuel right down to the last gallon accurately. I left the calibration of the EIS in place, so now they both display accurately. heck I think I could do it in pints as accurate as that table is, but gallons is fine. If I get that close on fuel, shame on me.

Thanks for the words of help.