
Well Known Member
The mission: Main goal is finding an Android based full featured flight planning app that allows saving the flight plan in a .GPX format so the flight plan file can be transferred to a USB flash drive ? then uploaded into a Dynon Skyview. The Android choices seem to be quite limited in this regard. Secondary goal, use the app in the cockpit as an emergency in flight mapping backup should the Dynon SkyView ever become unusable.

Apparently, SkyDemon (well regarded in Europe) is capable of saving flight plans in a .GPX format and supposedly has charts for the USA. Being primarily a European product, I?m wondering how well the USA is supported? Any SkyDemon users in the States care to comment about the pros or cons of using this app for flight planning and possible in route use as a mapping backup in the cockpit?

Another Android app that caught my attention is Navigator which is also capable of saving a flight plan in a .GPX format. Here again, any Navigator users in the USA care to comment about the pros or cons of using this app for flight planning and possible in route use as a mapping backup in the cockpit?

Are there other equally capable Android apps that fit the mission profile stated above that I should also consider?
I've been using GO for 3 years and I've been very happy with it. I like to do my flight planning online at I download those flight plans to the Android app FltPlan GO at home via Wi-Fi. If you have Dynon's Wi-Fi dondle, the flight plan can be uploaded directly from FltPlan GO to Dynon SkyView.

Before Dynon came out with the Wi-Fi dongle I used to output the gpx file from to a usb flash drive and upload that to SkyView. I haven't used that path since I started doing it via Wi-Fi, I assume that path works as well.

All the standard charts, plates, etc. are also available for download to FltPlan GO.

All for free ...

Not yet available, but I understand their working on being able to display traffic and/or weather on the tablet as well but I have no idea when/if that'll be available.

btw, I have no association with FltPlan, I just like their stuff. will do this for you. From a computer or a phone. you can email it as a .gpx to yourself or others. There is even an adapter you can probably get to download the file from a phone to a USB if you wanted to do this 'on the go'

I really like Skyvector flight planning - Check it out!
... I really like Skyvector flight planning - Check it out!

Yeah, I agree with that but I also really like FltPlan GO and the abilityto upload directly from the tablet to SkyView. SO, to tell the whole truth, what I do is do my flight planning with Skyvector then copy the resulting route and paste it into They'll update the detail nav log, estimate winds aloft, etc. All that transfers to the tablet FltPlan GO and subsequently to SkyView from the tablet.

Everybody's got their favorites though and, ultimately, the only real way to find yours is to give them a try.
Yeah, I agree with that but I also really like FltPlan GO and the abilityto upload directly from the tablet to SkyView. SO, to tell the whole truth, what I do is do my flight planning with Skyvector then copy the resulting route and paste it into They'll update the detail nav log, estimate winds aloft, etc. All that transfers to the tablet FltPlan GO and subsequently to SkyView from the tablet.

Everybody's got their favorites though and, ultimately, the only real way to find yours is to give them a try.
That is exactly how I do mine. If I am doing a long Xcountry I also check AirNav for fuel.stops. Using the best out there for a particular function works well for me.


Thanks for the input guys ? truly appreciated.

A few weeks back I had looked over the FltPlan GO manuals for both the iPad and Android versions and read that iPad version supported the Dynon Skyview ?. however, there is no mention of that feature in the manual that I read for the Android version. Just figured this was yet again another example where the iPad app has a feature that the Android version does not. Glad to know the Android version of FltPlan GO also supports the Dynon SkyView and that the manual has not caught up with that feature.

Appreciate the tips about using both Skyvector and FltPlan GO for route planning and AirNav for fuel stops (will need to check that out).

The Wi-Fi option sounds intriguing as well. I would be happy just loading the flight plan file on a flash drive ... but if the Dynon Wi-Fi works great with FltPlan GO, that seems like a good way to go. I am awaiting arrival of the new Dynon ADSB-472 in exchange for my 470 ? so it may be a good time to also install the Wi-Fi unit at that time while I have the hood open for the exchange.

Happy flying,