
Well Known Member
My Mode C has been Intermittent reporting. that's what started it all.

My ADSB has stop reporting when I pull the report, always has been great, all zeros. Now won?t even generate one.

Does anyone have the same setup or close to what i have that you could help me confirm my communications settings. The wire connections are correct ( it was drawn up by steinAir) it has worked for 2 years flawless, now it?s acting up.
Here is how my wiring connections go.

Dynon D10A is my Encoder - sends out to my GTX327 (232 in2, Pin#2) and to IFD440 (same as garmin 430W, 232 in3, pin42)

-Echo UAT pin6 is connected to the IFD (232 out2, pin58)
-Echo UAT Pin4 is connected to the GTX327 (232 out1, pin20)

Now the thing I need to confirm are the settings for each unit.

GTX i have
?RS232 input
Channel 1 - OFF
Channel 2 - Icarus ALT (this is connected to my D10A/encoder)
Icarus Alt- (this is connected to the Echo UAT )

ECho UAT I have
*setup source ? App(wifi,stored)
*Control source ? Transponder monitor
*GPS source ??External gps (com2)
*traffic/uplink out ? MFD(com2)
*com1 rate ?? 38400
*com1 data ?? 81O
*com1 PHY: ?? RS-485 terminated
*com1 Protocol: ?TMAP
*Com2 Rate ?115200
*com2 input protocol ?? NMEA

I will check what i have On my IFD440 for the settings.

All this started with a intermittent MODE C reporting. I know the ALT comes from the encoder not from the ADSB, I have replaced the GTX327 , copied the same settings from the original,. But somehow when I went to check my ADSB report, I got a "can?t be generated reply", I tried that on 2 flights. same results. ( I know about ZULU time in relation to the date)

Thanks for any clues.

Is there a way to check if the Dynon D10A encoder is the problem? or does it need to be sent in?
Can't help with your configuration as I have something different but I do have an Echo UAT. One thing that cause a similar problem for me was that the antenna connection to the ADSB out antenna had gone bad. I had the cheap monopole antenna and the connector had failed. After putting in a new connector and antenna all was good. Later, I decided to replace the monopole antenna with a blade type which is way better.

Good luck.
I had the same issue. The stub on the UAvionix supplied antenna just disappeared one day. I?m glad I noticed it was gone before I started trouble shooting. Anyway I replaced it with a Delta Pop blade. All good now. Bob
Check for a software/firmware update on the website. Mine had same symptoms a while back ago... worked fine for a while then didn?t. Updated, then worked fine.
I had same issue. Replaced transponder, the coax, the ant.....then I called uavionx and their tech had me change one setting on the echo app and it fixed it. I should have called him first. My mode c was jacked for 6 months and now works like a champ.

I spoke with David today. Tomorrow I will do a test flight and hope it had something todo with my mode c not working sometimes.

I did check the antennas as couple of other guys mentioned . All checked good and clean.