on page 21-07 figure 3 and page 21-08 figure 1. I do not understand when attaching the seat floors where the plans say to rivet all holes except 3 in each floor. The problen is in the upper left on page 21-07 and upper right on page 21-08 the holes you rivet will attach to nothing Did I miss somthing?:confused:
Step 6 tells you to rivet the seatfloor to the ribs, leaving the aft hole open.
Step 8 tells you to rivet the seatfloor to the seat floor support leaving the most forward and aft hole open.
It doesn't say to rivet "all" holes. The holes between the aft two open holes are all open and are used for the bulkhead side assemblies F-1204-C (page 21-09 step1).
The third open hole is filled at page 21-13.
Having learned the hard way, Joe is right...you need to read the entire chapter and think through it before you start. even Van's recommends this in their initial instruction pages. I went through many "re-do's" before I finally gave in.