Chris Newbe

I'm New Here
I am new to this area of aviation and looking for a do all airplane. I want to just learn light aerobatics; have a tail dragger; and a 175 kt ifr cross country machine(weekly SE all weather, 350nm flight). It would seem that these are potentially the ultimate airplanes. I have found a 6 that looks nice and am told the 6 has a much stronger spar and that the 7 is a set of 8 wings and a 9 fuselage. I obviously don't know enough, but want to purchase a great airplane in the next month. BTW, I found a 6 with a said to be 8 tail, how does one know? HELP!!! Any and all is appreciated
Thanks, Chris
Welcome to VAF

I am new to this area of aviation and looking for a do all airplane.

Chris, welcome to the force.

Good to have you here.

You are on the right track, a 6 will fit the bill just fine. 7 or 8 also, but the 6 has been around a lot longer, probably get a better deal on one, assuming you want to buy not build.

The 8 seems to be favored for acro, center seating a big factor it seems.

... I have found a 6 that looks nice and am told the 6 has a much stronger spar and that the 7 is a set of 8 wings and a 9 fuselage. I obviously don't know enough, but want to purchase a great airplane in the next month. BTW, I found a 6 with a said to be 8 tail, how does one know? HELP!!! Any and all is appreciated
Thanks, Chris

Welcome to the VAF forum.

The issue of the spar strength's has come up in the past and it seems to be a myth.

As posted on another thread:
...Looking at the Van's manual, the -6 is rated for +6/-3 at an aerobatic GW of 1375 while the -7 & -8 can pull those same numbers at 1600 lbs. (Page 15-21, in my builder's manual.)...

If you want to do acro, look at the empty weight to make sure you are safe to perform acro. Lighter is always better.

As for which tail, you will have to be more specific. Are you just talking about the VS and rudder or the entire empennage?

The -7 & -9 share the same VS & rudder but the HS and elevators are different.
I am the owner of 3 RV6's. I happen to feel that the through spar on the 6 is more substantial than the 12 bolt version on the 8 and newer models, but that's only an opinion. Van rates the loading pretty much the same for acro. I like the side by side configurations because it's fun to watch peoples expressions when they are new to an RV. The new rudders on the 7,8,and 9 are the counterbalanced larger version than the original 6. Some folks have (me included) the larger rudder on thier six's. I don't notice any difference when flying. Whatever you settle on, you won't be disappointed for choosing and RV.
The late -6 has the same VS/Rudder as the early -7 (Which is simler to the -8). The late -7 has the VS/Rudder setup from the -9, which proved to be 'better' for spin recovery.

The early -6 has a non-counterweighted rudder which is the way to tell which one the ones you are looking at have. Honestly, doesn't seem to make a huge difference. Later -6's had more pre-punched parts, which is less chance of it being fubar'd during the build.

GET A GOOD PRE-BUY by someone who KNOWS rv's AND works on airplanes frequently (DAR, A&P/IA familiar with RV's, Tech Counsler, or some combination thereof. Even having multiple people there wouldn't be bad). I've seen too many people buy **** RV's because it was a good deal and they didn't know what to look for. You can always fix FWF problems, but airframe issues can get complex/expensive to fix in a hurry!

Good luck with your search!
Buying an RV

Welcome to the VAF!

Stephen gave you a good suggestion in the previous post. There are several folks in these forums who could help you with a pre-buy inspection.
Maybe some of them will chime in here. That's why I worded the title to my post the way I did.

The first person that comes to my mind is Rob Ray also known as smokyray in these forums. He's done this in the past and I would certainly respect his opinion on a Pre-buy. He's a busy guy, but maybe you can contact him. Just look up "smokyray" in the "Members List" and send him a Private Message. Not sure the geography is right but it looks like you fly in the Southeast and Rob is listed as living in Central Florida.

Good luck. Just keep asking questions and read all you can about RV's (the kind with wings!). :)