Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
As mentioned in this thread, I have relocated my fuel servo from horizontal to vertical, and among other issues I am working on, is the control cables.

Sounds weird, but I find that the throttle, and mixture cable lengths will both work if I reverse their positions------trouble is the knobs are color coded.

Question, has anyone out there changed the knobs on these cables??? I believe they are ACS brand.

If so, how???

If I recall correctly (I'd have to look at mine in the hangar), you can disassemble the cable near the knob. The body of the control is terminated by a nut which, if you unscrew it, allows you access to the connection of the cable to the control shaft. Push the knob all the way in to expose the connection. Now you simply unhook it, do the same with the other, and swap the bodies. This has the added benefit of making sure you have the same stroke as you had before - I don't think there's a difference but if there is, this will make sure the correct stroke is on the correct cable.
Does the fact that the mixture knob is made for fine adjustment through rotation of the knob (unlike the throttle knob) screw up your plan for swapping them, or does the fine adjustment capability get transferred with the knob?

Dont know - just thinking out loud here in case its been overlooked.

Eric, Pete, thanks for the input-----all three are vernier, so that doesnt make any diff, and as I understand Patricks comments, the actual control mechanism will stay with the knob----essentially just changing the cable.

And, no, I was not planing on using the 10 for formation------unless of course, I get to be the #1, and everyone else follows me:D

I still need to see if Patricks suggestion will work, will report back.

Thanks again for the replies.
I finally got out to the hangar today and looked. Sorry to say, but I was apparently wrong; I don't see how you'd take those cables apart without special tools. I was mislead by the trim tab cable, which is quite easy to disassemble in the manner I described. My next suggestion is to find someone who is installing the horizontal carb and see if they'll take your cables. I'd offer but I'm still a ways from deciding on the engine for my -10.