Adam W

Well Known Member
hello all. asking for more advice here

im at the point with my HS that im deburring dimpling and priming
after dimpling the rear HS spar the entire thing has developed a bend. is it ok to flute at this point after all match drilling is complete? or do i leave it and when asembling it will be pulled straight. if layed on the table it now has about just less than a quarter inch deflection
I found that if I did not dimple "hard" enough to form a good dimple it would distort the part. Hands on lesson with Scott at Van's corrected my technic.
A sign of a good dimple is a complete round halo mark around the dimple made from the die edges contacting the piece.
Well I wouldn't flute it. In my experience you flute before things get drilled, not after. Based upon your description it sounds like everything will line back up during assembly--I wouldn't sweat it.
Somewhere in the plans it talks about the spar bowing. Cleco it up from the ends inward. It'll straighten.