
Well Known Member
A couple of us are having trouble getting tracks downloaded from our GPSs to show altitude in Google Earth.

I found the article that Doug put together and followed the directions. I am using GPS Visualizer and have duplicated the settings shown in Doug's directions. Data is coming from a Garmin 496.

Everything is working well EXCEPT the track shows up in Google Earth as all at one altitude.

Could it be the 496 is not recording altitude data? Do I have a setting wrong somewhere?

Here's a picture of what is displayed in G-E.

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Altitude in Google Earth GPS visualization

A late followup here... Did you get this figured out?

I've been meaning to try this for a while and I just now went through Doug's article at http://www.vansairforce.net/articles/GPS_Tracking/GPSTrack.htm and it worked for me.

A couple of things: In MapSource, in the Tracks tab, double click on a track to get the Track Properties window. If that shows correct altitude for each point in the track, then your 496 is recording altitude and that's not the problem.

In the current version of the GPS Visualizer page, you have a choice to Add DEM Elevation Data. Say "No" to that, otherwise altitude data in the track will be lost.

Anyway, if you gave up before, try it again and see if it works now. It does for me...
