
Well Known Member
We recently purchased an 6A fuselage from an estate. The builder cut out the bottom section from two of the braces inside the fuse.

If you look at these two photos, you can see where the material was removed.

Given that the builder has Gone West, can anyone speculate why this was done? Should I replace the two braces or patch across them?



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I'm not taking the place of Van's, but I have built a 6A, and have been in sheetmetal as a trade for close to 40 years.

Those two bulkheads are very flimsy on there own. I'd just rivet a new piece across the bottom, and you could even bend a flange that reaches the floor.
These bulkheads are made from multiple pieces ( two halves) to start with.

In reality, a new section might not even be required once the floor and stringers are rivited. But I'd do it anyway, and be done with it. As to why they are there, I can't even nothing in the plans runs through that area.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
i have a partially built set of wings and completed tail for sale, i can ship it. it is for a rv-6. let me know if your interested. 804-928-1459. i agree with the other builder, just make a doubler and flange the top and also the skin side of the former . should be easy repair. take care, dave
Not so fast

I would drill them and replace them. At this stage of the build these are easy to replace and at a minimal cost.
Tad sargent
it is odd

I agree with L Adamson, you can repair the bulkhead with a piece riveted across the bottom.
But as well, given that something has been going on, I would also verify the correct height of the bulkheads along the top with a straight edge or taut string. The flanges of F-606 and back need to form a striaght line for skinning. If anything is off, now is the time to correct it. On my 6A, I had to increase the height of F-608 (but at the bottom) by about 3/8" to line the bulkheads up.
I looked at your pictures for quite a while trying to figure out what the point could have been. As has been said, nothing goes there. It can't be for water trapped between bulkheads the way he did it. No idea.
Bill Brooks
Ottawa, Canada
RV-6A finishing kit
My SWAG at the cut bulkheads... could be that the original builder (after reading post of problems installing the completed F-689 push rod assy) made these cuts in anticipation of a problem that could have been solved differently. Reference is RV-6A drawing #40. Once the bulkheads and skins are riveted together, it is somewhat difficult to later install the push rod, but it can be done.

As stated, this is just a SWAG...