Top Cat

Well Known Member
I just received a refurbished SkyView Touch from Dynon.
Everything is okay...EXCEPT...there is a line/bar which cuts horizontally across the top tool bar, cutting out half of displayed info. Its not black it has colors in the band across the screen. If it was my MacBook Air I could put the cursor on the edge of the area and drag it bigger. Its almost like a second tool bar going across the top.

It’s Saturday so before I contact Tech Support Monday for a fix or return to them...again...I wondered if anyone knows if I can fix this by editing the top of screen? Or doing something in the settings. I went through every option on the screen today in the airplane but couldn't find anything.

I’ve read Installation and User Manual no help. I took a screen shot but it doesn't help, although it shows a normal top tool bar whereas on the unit this is partially obscured.

Unit has the latest firmware 15.3.4

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Try posting this in VAF>Avionics / Interiors / Fiberglass>Glass Cockpit

Fellows there are very helpful...
Make Sure It isn't the Runway You Are Looking At...

Be sure the line you are seeing isn't the synthetic vision display of your airport's runway, Can you post a screenshot for us? Is the line present when you display other screen pages such as EMS or MAP? It's very easy to misinterpret the black line you are seeing on the PFD display when it is simply the runway.
I did take a screen shot but it doesn’t show anything. Screen shot shows everything normal on top tool bar.
In the plane the top of top tool bar is covered whenever screen is on.
I know what you mean about the synthetic vision runway but it isn’t that.

Tomorrow I’ll try and take a photo of it.
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I don't think there's anything editable up there in the way you're describing. My guess it's going to have to go back to Dynon.
Dynon sending me another replacement unit for the replacement unit as it’s a fault in screen that can’t be fixed.
Thanks for the help.
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