
Well Known Member
Resolved thx

Hello during application of the new nose gear service bulletin, the nose gear link assembly U-01416 upper threads stripped while removing the locking nut.
The threads are seriously damaged to a unserviceable condition, I guess I’m lucky to get the nut off at all.
Root cause, I didn’t apply anti-seize on the thread during assembly 120 hours ago.
I’m reaching out to the RV-14A community to see if someone is not ready to install the main gear/nose gear, and would generously lend me their link assembly?
In all honesty, Vans has the link assembly on backorder and couldn’t provide me a lead-time, it could be 30-60 days before they restock inventory.
I’m willing to purchase the link assembly or pay for the new one when it returns to stock.
I’m also interested if someone has a clean repair idea that I could perform to get the part serviceable again.

Thanks for reading.
Doug 1-480-286-2608 cell
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Please post a photo of the damaged area, this will help with suggestions for a possible repair.
Service Bulletin

I try to read as much as I can before I disassemble a perfectly good flying airplane. I read your post and thought, "**** yet another instruction I didn't follow correctly", brought back the nuns yelling at me in grade school for not following directions! So read my plans and the updated plans on Vans website published in October. I can not find anything about applying anti seize. In fact it says in bold print just the opposite.

Alas I am unable to help you with your problem, actually wish I could, we owe a lot of pay it forward. We have 70+ hours on our 14A now. We are about to start this SB and I am hoping we don't have issues with removing that nut. Pictures would be great. And again I know I'm not helping your issue, but maybe you can spare some of us the problems you encountered.

Many Thanks!