Well Known Member
Can anyone steer me in the right direction to a shop that repair pneumatic riveters? I have a Hi-Shear 300 recoilless rivet gun that stopped working. I partially disassembled, cleaned and reassembled to no avail and would like to have it repaired. Google search was of little help. Thanks.
I searched for his card for you but I can't find it. There is a man who does all of Avery's work for them. He is in Tennessee or someplace like that. I sent mine to him a few years back and he completely overhauled it for free! He looked up my serial number and determined he had sold the unit new years before I had it, so he did the free job for me. Was one of the best people I have come across in the field. Sorry I couldn't help more, but I think Bob Avery is honest enough that he will pass on his info to you. Glenn
Thanks for the suggestions. After a little more consideration, I decided to go ahead and disassemble the unit completely and found a bit of corrosion and bits of junk inside the recoilless cylinder. I cleaned it up and re-lubed everything as I reassembled and it seems to be working fine now. :) I am happy to report that this was a used "surplus" riveter from an aircraft factory, yet there was no visible wear on any of the moving parts.
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As a side note, not sure what squeezer you have, but most should not be oiled with air tool oil, FYI.